
Conservation programmes?

by  |  earlier

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Savannah cheetah foundation is starting up some really interresting products. We have groups comming in from the USA who attened a hands -on wild life experience, but don't really recieve anything except the experience when they leave. Would it be good to have achieved a certificate or a national qualification on the NQF bases, doing a fieldguide course or getting invoved with game capture or working with elephant an so on.




  1. wut?

  2. Marc it is a novel idea, however, the types of game they work with and the applications or management is really unique for that environment.  Sure if Savannah Cheetah  Foundation have any program to handle brown bears, elk, caribou, black bears and Grey wolves you may have a lot of takers.

    Realize that your programs are in Africa and just to get there and try to get in will be a great stumble block. . . .those African countries employ their own people, what they are looking for is $$$$$$$$$$$$$ coming from contributors in USA and Europe.

    After all if I work for the California Fish and Game and present them with some kind of certification that I qualify as an expert giraffe or bush buck tracker/catcher, my chances of getting a job with them will be ZERO--000

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