
Conservative, why do you feel Americans should have less rights and freedoms?

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Drugs illegal. Cigarettes, illegal in public. No privacy. Extra taxes if you're not a member of a church, or not married. No birth control. No small businesses. Its a crime to vacation in certain foreign countries. No habis corpus, no free assembly, no free speach.

Why do you support these ideas?




  1. Drugs bad. Cigarettes OK. Privacy good. Taxes bad. Birth control good (abortion bad). Small business good. Vacation good (as long as its not North Korea or Iran!). Habeus Corpus good. Free Assembly good. Free speech good.

    I'm a conservative and don't share your platform of ignorance.  I support everyone's liberty, including the 2nd Amendment. You should apologize to all the people you have mischaracterized.

  2. Actually, there are Conservatives who don't believe the Republican party stands for true Conservatism. There are Conservatives who oppose the policies you just mentioned.

  3. Why do you support killing unborn children, high taxes and banning guns?

    Pretty sure Conservatives are fine with Habeus Corpus, just not for TERRORISTS!!!  Were also fine with birth control and small businesses.  You've really got it twisted!

  4. you are seriously misinformed.

  5. Those are all dem laws passed by dems in state and city govts not Republicans. You are so misinformed it is scary.

  6. Drugs should be illegal we have enough stupid people already without drugs making more of them.  The cigarette push was a liberal thing (just like a lib to be ill informed).  I have plenty of privacy ( you have something you're scared of?).  

    Taxes?  You're kidding right?  That's all about dems and their big brother plans.  

    Abortion is not birth control and only an irresponsible twit would believe that it is.  

    POW's do not fall under criminal law but if you really want us to handle it quickly we can erect a guillotine and behead them like they do our people.

    No free assembly?  Again you are full of bull.

    Same with free speech (note correct spelling).

    So I certainly support the US and have enjoyed pointing out your lies and incompetence.  Have a day.

  7. Judging by your grammar you are simply another product of a failed liberal institution "of thought". Good luck with that.

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