
Conservative women regarding Palin?

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Did the VP selection energize you even more for the upcoming election? Ill be honest, I was on cloud 9 all day.

What say you?




  1. Although predictable, this still is seriously gonna be interesting.

  2. I say Yes,

    I am so pleased to see my party finally recognize what we have to offer....   and what a great pick to show the world.

    Kudos to McCain for picking Palin.  

  3. My only concern is all those babies to take care of.  But she is totally cool and interesting.  Good choice in my eyes!

  4. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Upon hearing the announcement of McCain's brilliant pick I was grinning from ear to conservative ear!  

  5. Yes.  The news of his choice made my day!

  6. I'm a dude, but I'll respond anyway.

    Finally, we have a citizen running for an office instead of a bunch of rich, entrenched Machine Lords. I'm impressed with her.

  7. I have the biggest hard on

  8. I hate to interject here since I am only married to a conservative woman, but yes.  I like the pick, love the way it took the air out of the obama convention balloon and am optimistic.

    With Biden's ability and penchant for throwing himself under the bus, I am now looking as forward to the VP debates as much as I am the Presidential ones.  "Biden has long experience", "a seasoned debater", etc., yada, yada yada.  The expectations will be small for Palin and if she scores any points it will be seen as a victory.  Biden on the other hand is a pompous, verbose narcissist.  Chances are good he will fall on his own hand grenade.


  9. Yes, she was very inspiring and encouraging.  Contrary to what some say, I think she'll handle herself quite well during the debates.  When she came out with all of her sweet children (esp the baby) I even got teary-eyed.  Of course, that could be my pregnancy hormones.  Anyway, I was surprised but soooo happy.  I was losing faith in McCain's chances, but I think the future polls will show him gaining even more popularity.  And Obama's rock-star celebrity will start fading...

  10. I am so excited I can't stop watching TV and reading answers.

    And I have a huge powerpoint project due tomorrow!

    Danger, but I will finish well, and so will McCain/Palin.  

  11. I'll go you one better.

    My wife...the Lifelong Demoncrat who is a new PUMA (And that's a LONG time) was thrilled and this sealed her vote for the GOP...for the first time in her life.

    She blames me for dragging her to the "darkside".


  12. my mom really likes her,good strong family woman

  13. yes it has

    Jimmis I'm with  you.  I was not going to vote at all until I woke and heard the choice McCain made.  I'm completely on board with McCain/Palin

  14. Yes! It's about time some real family values were placed on the table. Obama claims to be 'for the people', but I think Palin is the people. She is the real thing.

  15. I can honestly say that it's changed my entire opinion of this election. 2 weeks ago, I was leaning toward not voting or voting for the Libertarian candidate (whoever the heck that is)... As of Friday morning, I'm planning to vote for McCain. It seems this team actually has convictions that I can relate to. While I assume Obama will eventually be convicted of something, it's just not the same... : )

  16. I fell over laughing, couldn't believe it, then I did an all day and most of the night research, reading everything I could about her, good and bad.    This lady is the perfect candidate for the VP.  I'd vote for her for president.

  17. I will vote repub. anyway, I liked what she had to say, And am excited about what else she has to say, Anyone but obama, Please!!!!!


  18. I couldn't be happier. McCain made a brilliant choice in Palin. She's smart, strong, independent & reform minded. Not only that, but she hits the Dems where it hurts. How much do you love that both she & her husband are union members? Oh boy! The attacks on her only prove how panicked the Dems are. This race is finally fun. Love it!!

  19. I was on Cloud 9 all day, too.  Still am!  And I get to see her in person tomorrow! :D  

  20. Technically, I'm not a conservative, but I am happy to see women leaders are being given such grand opportunities. Who ever would have expected McCain to select a woman? This really was a maverick decision.

    On the flip side, Hillary Clinton was a strong candidate and I was sad to see her not even considered as Obama's VP.

    But to answer your question, yes, I was very proud of the selection of Palin on the anniversary of Women's Suffrage.

    There's hope for us yet.

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