
Conservatives, does it feel like the libs are picking on your little sister when they smear Palin?

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It does not get much lower than bringing up something her husband did 22 years ago and attacking her as a mother/parent because of the circumstance of their daughter.........who knows the kid might cure cancer one day and some liberal would have aborted it!




  1. It's pretty sick.  It feels like they're desperate and have no sense of propriety.  Everyone will see them for who they really are now...

  2. your candidate getting smeared.......bless it's heart.

    I see you did your share of smearing Obama, so take your medicine.

    Your candidate's choice lost him the white house.

    Obama 08

  3. Who know's. Life for all we know can began at the sperm itself.

  4. let's get the facts straight

    1) this whole thing questioning the pregnancy happened from July when she was not the radar screen. It actually was blogged about by someone in the Anchorage Daily News

    2) People bring up Obama's drug use when he was a teen which is over 22 years ago- it is and should be one set of rules for all. If Obama can be questioned about something that happened 22 years ago, then her husband joining a sepratist party is also fair game

    3) it seems that there are other things being brought out by people from her old town of Wasilla where it seems she faced 2 recall efforts because of the same thing that she is being investigated for now- abuse of power

    This is not the libs, that is her own problem including the fact that she had been a cheerleader for the "bridge to nowhere" when she was  a candidate and she is now claiming that she was against if from the beginning. these are her own words coming back to haunt her.

  5. ROFL  She's too old to be my little sister, but thanks for asking!

  6. How's about blame MCCain for dragging her into the national spotlight without any notice? How's about blaming her for accepting at a time when she was dealing with very difficult personal situations?

  7. What really burns my bottom is the fact that Obama doesn't want anyone putting his wife through a scandal, but here we go, attacking a 17 year old girl because she got pregnant. This poor girl has enough on her plate right now. Instead of showing a little kindness, democrats are attacking her. I just wonder how many of them made the same mistake. But it's different because she's not one of them. I think the democrats are horrible for attacking her this way. I don't think they'd be attacking Obama's daughter if she was in the same predicament.    

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