
Conservatives, how many of you like me took a good close look at Paul after he dropped out?

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I have done research on him and read some of his writing on his website off and on. I really wish he was our nominee. The man is truly and utterly for the people and conservative. I think he would make an excellent president. Im going for McCain this time, no protest votes, but in 4 years Paul will get my support if he runs.




  1. I liked everything about Ron Paul except his foreign policy, but I am also voting for McCain.

  2. Hey...even I liked Ron Paul. He tells it like it is. Paul is kinda up there age-wise, so I'm not sure you'll get that chance in 4 years

  3. Well no sh*t....

  4. I also like Paul and I'm a liberal Democrat...

    I often find more in common with true conservatives than I do with NeoCon sell-outs like McCain and Kerry...

    I was not nearly as interested in "Skull & Bones" Kerry as other Democrats were in 2004.

  5. I voted for Paul in the primaries and have been a long time supporter of him.The sad thing is he will not be running again in 4 years because he'll be too old.

  6. I am an Anarcho-Syndicalist and I LOVED Ron Paul.

    The economic issues surrounding the dissolution of the welfare state (and the attendant societal chaos that would follow such a thing) can be sorted out over time and, to be sure, there are much better solutions than the half-assed ones continually supported and funded by both bourgoise parties.

    However, the only person running for President who truly understood that what is TRULY at stake is our country's committment to our social contract (the Constitution) and the danger of allowing corporate interests to dominate our foreign policy and religious interests to dominate our domestic social policy.

    There is no other person who I would have had more trust in to successfully disengage from these stupid wars in the muslim world.

    There is no other person I would have had more trust in to appoint Supreme Court Justices who were true constitutionalists.

    There is no other person I would trust more to reign in corporate shenanigans and to enforce a rule of law that allowed people to handle their business without interference from the government at the same that it would not tolerate breaches in the sense of fair play, without which capitalism degenerates into pure barbarism.

    I think that of every person running for president in the year 2008, Ron Paul was the ONLY one whose integrity was d**n near unimpeachable. Unfortunately for you, dear questioner (and me too), integrity counts for shite in American politics and the lowest common denominator will always rule the day.  

  7. Sadly, Paul will probably not run next year, he will be 76

    He was the only real honest candidate in the race in my opinion, and obviously the only one who talked of any real change with specifics

  8. I supported Ron Paul during the primaries and I still support him through his Campaign for Liberty.

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