
Conservatives, stay at home moms and Palin?

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Isn't one the Conservative values that a mother should be at home raising her children? Who would be raising Gov. Palins children if she is elected V.P?




  1. No, that isn't one of the conservative values.  Our values dictate that parents raise our children and are responsible for the welfate of our own children, not the government. It seems as though she and her husband have a great partnership.

  2. No, conservatives are not sexist like liberals have been in this election.

  3. Are you disgusted at Michelle Obama, who works full time and could possibly be First Lady in two months?  What about her 2 small daughters?  Think a First Lady will be sitting at home making cookies?  WHo will raise her kids??????

    Palin 2008  

  4. You're right. There are no working Conservative mothers in the world. Brilliant.

    BTW...why does it seem most Obama backers have their questions and answers set to private?

  5. Oh Crikey!!! Are you one of those keep them in the kitchen people?  Do you know that women work outside the home now?  That husbands can actually child mind?  What planet are you from?

    I'm ready for Sarah!!!  Change we can believe in!

    Thanks John.  He sure can pick good women!!

  6. Well, you really don't know much about conservatives then do you? Wow. This is 2008...I can't believe you Democrats (Liberals?). It's unbelievable!

  7. Every Republican woman I know works.

    Even the Moms.

    Welcome to 2008.

  8. Well,sexist it is like this are you saying that she can't do both why?can you not have morals and values and a good marriage and a family as well as a career

  9. As Governor she manages just fine.  Next question.

  10. Her husband.

  11. Her husband we do that nowadays-come join us in 2008!

  12. No, who gave you that nonsense?

    I am conservative, I am a teacher.  I believe a mom can do both.  You obviously do not feel a woman has equal rights to work outside of the home.  Which isn' t that what the dems fight for?

    She has a husband who helped make those kids and sure enough helps raise them.  Who is taking care of Pelosi's kids?  Obama's kids?  

    In your ideal, girls should just not bother going to college and excel in work if they plan on having kids right?  Give me a break

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