
Conservatives, will you do your patriotic duty and pledge not to vote this November in protest of McCain? ?

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Clearly, McCain is not a true conservative. Therefore, will you help spread the "Conservative Exodus Project" petition to all of your conservative friends, family, and acquaintances? Make sure they're all conservatives!

What better way to send your leaders your message of disapproval by not voting this November? Register your opinion, fellow conservatives, and do not vote this November!

How many conservatives on the board plan do their loyal duty by not voting this November?




  1. I was already not going to vote, but that is because of the fact that I deem even the conservative Supreme Court Justices have been corrupted by their power, hence the Bush v. Gore decision.

    I am not going to spread this utterly ridiculous message that conservatives ought not to vote for McCain out of a theory that McCain is not conservative! John McCain has gotten an average 82% approval ratings from the American Conservative Union for his 25 years of voting in Congress. I simply will never understand why that is not conservative enough for you people.

    P.S., Ronald Reagan would never endorse what you are saying. Reagan's "eleventh commandment" was well known: Thou shalt not criticize a fellow Republican.

  2. I do plan on doing my patriotic duty by voting against a socialistic liberal, darn tooting!!!!

  3. I'll take McCain over Obama any day. I love my country.  

  4. I'd rather make sure that those who Can vote are alowed to vote.  Of course you know what I am talking about.  

    as it stands few with brains would vote for mccain the insane anyway. He's too old and too senile and too phony.

  5. Well, if I was in a competitive state, I would vote for McCain just to keep Obama out of the whitehouse. It would be my patriotic duty to keep a muslim out of the whitehouse.

  6. I am still waiting to see Ann Coulter campaign for Clinton as she pledged she would do.

    as far as your question goes, don't count on it.  The majority of Conservatives are Republican.  And as we all know, Republicans are the most "Party line" voters on the plantet.  Even to the point of supporting Party loyalty over country loyalty.

  7. See this video, it's Ron Paul himself talking about the Neo-Conservatives and their ideals - and how un-American they are.

    In short, well said. I agree entirely.

  8. Yeah, that would be brilliant.

    Allow Che Guverra to be elected.

  9. No, but I will do my "Patriotic Duty" and vote against the America hating racist this November.

  10. And while you are doing all this protesting much to the joy of the lefts and Obama supporters he will end up winning, destroying our country and whats left of it won't be conservative anyways.

  11. I Swear I will NOT vote for Obama this fall.

    There I think WE should ALL take this no vote for Obama pledge

  12. Quite frankly if you don't vote you are part of the problem and have no right to complain.

  13.   a no vote is a vote for Obama , so as a conservative I will vote for McCain

  14. I was going to vote for hillary but she lost the primary so i'm voting for either the green party or Mccain

  15. No, I'll vote because I can & I will not vote from the America hating 143 days working Barry O.

  16. I'm thankful I don't live in the US anymore (live in the UK) so I don't have to worry about it.  No matter who wins... YOU LOSE.

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