
Conservatives: In your opinion, has McCain reached for the stars and grabbed one? ?

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What should we name this magnificent team?

My submission is:

"The PERFECT Storm"




  1. Yes he couldn't have done better in my opinion and you can smell and taste the fear in the air on the liberal side. I love seeing them squirm lol! Hmm a republican president 44 out of the last 64 years!

  2. I never thought he would select a female VP...I was shocked yesterday - but so HAPPY!!! :)  

  3. Its interesting that McCain picked a maverick who represents change, bipartisanship and the fight against corruption and government waste.

    Obama picked the ultimate Washington insider who represents the status quo and the continuation of the same old partisan politics.

  4. keep dreaming........

  5. most definitely. people had arguments against any other choice. she is both intelligent and capable.

  6. You want change ?  Now, THAT'S change.  Good for him.

  7. As an Obama supporter, I would like to thank McCain for this early Christmas gift!

  8. Yes, I think she was a great choice.

  9. CAN YOU SMEL-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L What McCain/Palins got cookin!

  10. Have you heard what the base is saying?  Levin, Savage and company are already planning their 2012 strategy.  It's all over but the crying now, according to the base.  Savage has shifted from political discussions and attacks to what color curtains he'll buy for his boat.  Even said he'll go sailing on Election Day and not bother voting.

    So if he grabbed a "star," it probably burned his hand.

  11. I would call it the "Towering Obamaferno".

    James Dobson himself LOVES this. Him saying that just locked in the entire evangelical group as well. BOOM!

    I hate to admit it, but like gargoyle said, my first thought was WOW! What a hottie! LOL!

    I had heard nothing about her and immediately did searches on her bios.

    This lady is very intelligent. Charismatic, and well spoken. Most importantly she is my kind of Conservative.

    This is a slam dunk. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall in Obama's camp when they found out.

    Funny thing though. In regards to Hillary, conservatives were being accused of not being ready for a woman in the White House. Now that there very well possibly will be one, it looks as if THEY are the sexists ones.

    I've always been ready for a lady in the White House, but when asked about Hillary, I always answered, just not that one.

  12. I'd say it will be, Mr. President McCain and Ms. Vice President Palin.

  13. I think he got a winner but I still say it wouldn't have mattered who he picked, Omama is going to cost himself this election.

  14. "The Perfect Storm" it is!

    It is good to know that I have something to vote FOR now.

    Have you noticed that McCain is thriving under the pressure of the looming elections, while Obama seems to be falling apart?  I think that speaks volumes as to who can handle the job.

    ADD:  It's funny.  I never really thought I would think about the s*x of a candidate one way or the other.  The fact that McCain picked such a good conservative is in and of itself truly awesome.  The fact that she is a woman is icing on the cake!  I am thrilled!

  15. What I like is that both are reasonable conservatives and reformists.  They represent where a majority of Ameircans are socially and politically.  No hyperbole or fanfare... just a  focus on serving the public's best interests.

  16. She is perfect, and the shock of it must be making Hillary sick!  

    Absolutely brilliant move that has knocked the ball out of the stadium!

      Hallelujah!   Game, set, and match

  17. SG, I am so jazzed! When I heard yesterday that McCain was about to name a 40-something "hot" conservative hockey mom, I waited for my cell phone to ring, but was relieved when it didn't. I really wasn't sure how to politely decline! But alas, we have Sarah Palin--a magnificent choice--and not me (my politics are limited to Y!A--I know, sad, isn't it)!

    I like your name for this team. I haven't thought of one yet, thought I've been calling the "other" team: "The Ignorant and the Arrogant." And they are "Palin" contrast to OUR team!

  18. I think it would be a great name.

    Look what happened to the aftermath of Obama's speech.......Everyone is talking about McCain's pick. Palin not the Thursday night speech.

    The announcement Blew right in and over, leaving Obama debris behind.

    Obama Who?

  19. No - he was grasping at straws and caught one.  Palin won't hold up to scruitiny.

  20. Not so much.

  21. The Comeback Kids

  22. Dream on.  Your messiah Sarah will be crashing and burning within a week.  It's been less than 24 hours and there is plenty of unsavory information about her already.

  23. MCcain can't reach above his head cause of an injury he got when he was prisdoner.  

  24. and yet a storm cause's damage and sometimes death and cost lost of money and time to repair what it's done...sooooo what's your point? because I think your right that's what will happen if they get elected!

  25. I agree 100%. So out of left field, but absolutely genius pick. Anyone who says she's "not qualified" have not done their homework. Her history is quite impressive - both politically and personally.

  26. This could be one of the greatest moves of this election....and.... she's a hottie. The old geezer has good taste huh? :)

  27. Yes.

  28. You mean the Mann Coulter clone?

  29. Yes, good choice !!

  30. Oh goodie! Another "star".


  31. I'm disappointed that you asked such a fan-fare non-question... you're generally a better contributor than that...

    I think "The Perfect Storm" is very fitting... but probably not for the same reasons...

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