
Conservatives and liberals: which extreme?

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Please state whether you are a conservative or liberal in your answer.

If you are a conservative would you choose the extreme right and be a fascist or the extreme left and be a communist?

If you are a liberal would you choose the extreme right and be a fascist or the extreme left and be a communist?

And I do know the political spectrum so no need to inform me which side the liberals are on and which side the conservatives are on. My question is mainly to find out which extreme you believe to be better.




  1. If you know the political spectrum then you know that it is essentially circular and that there is very very little difference between Fascism and Communism.

    I would avoid both given the choice.  I fall on the left of the Political spectrum I believe in social democratic principles.

  2. Conservatism is about limited government, which is the opposite of fascism, so I disagree with the premise of the question.  The very word "conservative" means moderate, whereas "liberal" means extreme, or abundant.  Do I need to say I'm conservative?

  3. Well, I'm already a Marxian socialist (a classical communist, or Trotskyist, as opposed to a supporter of Stalinism).

    I'd slit my wrists rather than become a fascist.

    I suppose if I had to choose one of the other two you mentioned, I'd rather be a conservative.  An honest f___ing, like the conservatives do to the working class, is more decent than the scams and lies that the liberals pull on us when they pretend to help us.

  4. social democracy

  5. well i consider myself conservative,and fascist would not be my extreme. i beleive in the constitution and i want it followed ,so i want small government,and no taxes

  6. I consider myself in the middle, probably leaning liberal. I'm more scared of far left leaning liberals than ultra-right conservatives though.

  7. I am a moderate and would not vote for either extreme.

    I have been a Dem all of my life and I am crossing party lines to vote for the only moderate remaining.

    Both Obama and Biden are further to the left (per their voting records) than the ONLY self-proclaimed Socialist in Congress, Bernie Sanders, Senator from Vermont.

    So, it's McCain for me!

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