
Conservatives that vote based only on the pro-life issue...?

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Does it even matter where a candidate stands on foreign policy, health care, poverty etc.. all the other issues if that is the only issue that matters to you? I heard someone say Republicans love you until you're born. I just want some thoughts and honest discussion.




  1. Just because their born doesn't mean consertatives don't love them.  Consertavies just don't want to be forced to pay for them without them agreeing to it. It is about Choice. we beleive that they NGO and private organization should handle it. Locals handle local issues better than any state or goverment can. if you want something. Churches will more than help you out. You can go to salavation army, goodwill, and other charites that were created for a purspose. Not saying that some Welfare ain't needed. Just saying local charaties and people are more equipped to handle your issues than national ones.  

  2. If you believe people are being murdered, you feel extra motivated like.

  3. I'm conservative, but pro-choice. We don't need more unwanted poor scumbags.  

  4. Of course the issues matter.. Luckily the pro life candidates are typically the same on the other issues as well... There are a lot of pro life Dems that I could NOT Vote for......

  5. That is only one of many issues I vote on and I am voting for McCain/Palin proudly.  

  6. Obviously not if that's all they are basing their vote on.. BUT, that is not the facet for me.  You probably don't want to hear this, but here it goes!

    Health care:  We got away from British rule for a reason, if people want to be handed things, and go back to socialism, GO BACK! Taxes are already high enough, and I'm sick of dead beats getting my money.

    Poverty:  This is going to sound cruel, but you get what you work for.  My family immigrated to the States LEGALLY when I was 13, and we NEVER  accepted food stamps, welfare, section 8 housing, etc.  

    Abortion:  i think it is wrong.  So many people can't have children, and want to adopt babies, who they can raise and sculpt into good members of society.

    War in Iraq: I support it, the troops, and my President.  You do know we have found MANY materials and acid for the WMD, right? Oooh, but I'm sure they just liked having it, and weren't going to make anything out of it! NOT!

    I think you are extremely closed minded, and ignorant.  

  7. I know a lot of conservatives, none of which votes based on one issue.

  8. I think the era of the one-issue voting is passed.  The world has gotten way too complicated to base a decision solely on one issue.  I know there are people who will argue that if someone cannot stand firmly on life (or choice), how will they stand on anything else.  I understand the reasoning, but I don't share it.  

  9. Democrats that vote strickly on pro-choice?

  10. I don't vote exclusively on this issue but it is a high priority. Obviously a lot of Democrats vote strictly on this issue. If you are really concerned about foreign policy you won't vote for Obama.

  11. The "life" stance is very low on my list of issues, I vote Economy and I NEVER vote Democrap.

  12. Even though it is a big deal to me that is far from my biggest issue. It is going to take a constitutinal amendment to get that change and there isnt the votes in congress or the states.

  13. McCain has a strong stance on National Security and wants to bring competition to insurance comapines and keep the choice in healthcare in the hands of the consumer. John McCain wants to create jobs and buget the economy by cutting pork spending. It's a plus that he's pro-life.

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