
Consider all the renewable energy sources available today. Of those you are not currently using, which would?

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be the most likely forms taht you would consider using within the next year? What personal advantages or disadvantages would prompt your decision?




  1. i would recommend solar if u live in the urbs. wind is pretty good only if u live in a windy place. the sun shines more than winds blows. a little expensive though. a cheap site is enjoy!

  2. wind because it is always there. the only thing about wind is black outs happen here and there.

  3. i like burning fossil fuels, loud engines, and going fast.

  4. Biodiesel is the most readily available alternative fuel.  It is already compatible with todays diesel engines, and it is not complex to manufacture.  I have to agree with the using solar energy to manufacture electricity, but more advances are needed in solar panel design.

  5. Solar.

    I live in Texas, and my electric bill goes WAY up in summer because of air conditioning. If my roof was covered with solar panels, that could help run my AC during the hot, sunny days when I need it the most. But the cost would have to come down a lot before it was worth it for me. Either that or electric costs would have to go way up. Like 10 times.

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