
Consider the impact of your own actions on others?

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Child care




  1. Ok, will do.  Thanks.

  2. You are in the childcare setting and you are the role model for the child and your colleagues. If you want your colleagues to act in a certain way then modelling it for them rather than trying to explain is sometimes easier. For the children they are absorbing the atmosphere around them and your behaviour towards them is important. So you listen when they speak to you so they know that they need to listen when you speak, and you don't go shouting a lot or they do not learn that you do not have to shout to get what you want.

    In terms of getting on with other staff it makes a more relaxed and enjoyable working environment and helps provide you with support when it gets stressful.

    Hope this is pointing you in the right thought process?

  3. shout at a kid , they learn to shout. hit a kid they hit back or cower.. love a kid. you get it back. love is taught.

  4. Children tend to copy the role models infront of them-whatever you as the adult do with be imitated by the children in your care.

    If you are in badmood that will be notced and transfered to others.

    If you praise a child, they will learn to be loved,

    If you ridicule a child, they will stop trying...

    IF you show enthusiasm then children will leanr to enjoy things.

    Buy an NVQ book (I think you can getthem from Waterstones) as they have great info for questions like this.

    Also look up socio-culturalism such as Vygotsky as that is relevant to this.

  5. Children learn what they live.

    If you want a child to be raise to reflect YOUR values, then do the job yourself.

    If you don't care what values they mirror just so long as it doesn't inconvenience you, then let just anybody take care of them.

    There are REPUTABLE, DECENT and BACKGROUND CHECKED facilities for child care if you have no other options in order to make ends meet.

    Having said that, too many people are willing to broker their children's future to buy LUXURIES to keep up appearances instead of being willing to sacrifice and raise their children.

    There are legitimate reasons for requiring childcare outside of the home. But buying a new boat isn't one of them.

  6. And...???!!

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