
Consider this statement in relation to the Civil War and slavery.?

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"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." 1984 by George Orwell




  1. He who controls the present does not control the past!

    The past is out of anyones control.

    The ones in contol may influence how the past is perceived.  

  2. Hmmm...interesting question.

    Who controls the past controls the future.

    Who controls the present controls the past.

    Same people.

    It's the Powers That Be.

    The ones that control the money, the ones that control the money, control the politics, the ones that control the money AND the power are the ones that write history.

    In this country it is the SAME people that have been in control since the onset OF this country.

    Oh, the names have changed over time due to marriages but they are still the same bunch.

    I know an excellent example!

    Take the Bush family for instance. They didnt come to this country with the name Bush, I believe it was Prescott then, distant cousins of the British Royal family, back to the time of the Revoluntionary War. It was the great whatever grandfather of Bush that started one of the VERY first Universities in this country. Yale University. They didn't come here poor. They came wealthy and with prestige. They immedaitely got involved in education, politics, and big business....until one day one became the Director of the CIA...then into the White House as a Vice President...then President. Then managed to get one of HIS offspring into the Presidency.

    They started in THE PAST....controled money, politics, and power IN the past. Then they continued on into the future to TODAY.

    GW Bush is YOUR President.

    Did you not know his family had always been rich?

    That they started and built the upper education system in this country?

    That George Bush had been Director of the CIA before becoming Vice President?

    That his brother was one of the causes for the total destruction of the Savings and Loans Banks, ruining thousands of American lives?

    That George Bush's grandfather's business had to be shut down by the president during WWII for funding the n***s after ignoring several cease and desist orders?


    I mean it's ALL written history and it's factual....but how many people actually KNOW this?

    I'm NOT just picking on the Bushes, they were just easy. There are so many. many more.

    Who controls the past controls the future.

    Who controls the present controls the past.

    The Civil War had nothing to do with slavery.

    It was about was about was about trade, which was money... it was about the US government's power to override the rights of individual states....which was control.

    Of course, when slavery was brought into the story it sounded SO much better...the fight for freedom...over the love of money and power and need to control....slavery would get the religous leaders on their side. It was an easier way to get the masses on their side instead of a war for money....which so few of them had. So, suddenly it became a fight for human rights. For freedom. Something they could understand.

    If you invent the present, you control the future.... and certainly control the past.

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