
Consider yourself as a salesperson, How will you treat skepticand aggressive customers?

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Consider yourself as a salesperson, How will you treat skepticand aggressive customers?




  1. Treat them nicely, maybe they were somewhere else and treated badly, or stuck in traffic, had a fight with his wife....

    The job of salesman is to sell, but that is not enough u have to be Witty and it help sometimes if you notice that they have a nice car to complement on it or on their clothes, so u can change the subject to maybe calm them down. you don't want to loose the costumer specially if u work on commission. To me its an art to talk to people and convince them. Plus you have to like what ur doing otherwise u will never succeed. I love talking to people and being nice and friendly. To me its an art them being called salesperson.

    In Germany or Europe some sales people shout at you and I think that is bad very bad for their business.

  2. Skeptic and aggressive customers are hard to please. After being in retail 6 years, I should kknow. They should be treated with respect,however, and you shouldn't be brash or abrasive with them. Rather introduce the product your selling, do a demonstration of the product, tell the client something rewarding about the product (if it won a consumer award etc.) and then tell them why the product is so necessary for them. Soemtimes it best rto share a story with the client about the product, it kind of softens them up a bit. Don't be pushy though, and keep smiling no matter what.

  3. The same way you treat every customer: with patience and respect. You have to prove to every customer why the product you are selling is the best. If they are skeptical, take the extra time to prove to them why it's so good. If they are aggressive, be patient and mellow. If you speak calmly and quietly and agree with them, they will usually settle down.Those aggressive and skeptical customers usually turn out to be your best customers. It's kind of cool, actually. Look at it as a challenge.

  4. Always be respectfull.  Ask them questions to find out what they "really need" and analyze if what you have meets the need.  Sometimes I try a reverse psychology strategy with people and tell them they might not need the product...then they want it more.  Strange but true.  Ultimately, as Tom Hopkins said, sales people are "problem solvers". So ask, find out, solve their issue.  If still no, just move on, don't waste time with deadbeat prospects.  Sales is also about numbers and knowing when not to waste time.

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