
Considering Adoption.....?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my fiance want to have kids together once we're married, but before that we want to adopt a child. I have 3 kids (3.5 months, 22 months and a 3 year old niece I currently have gaurdianship over) and he has 5 kids (4,6,9 and 11 year old twins). We want to go for a younger child and have contacted few adoption agencies. What should we expect to do over the adoption process? What will we have to do? Should we go with an open adoption? What is best. Any help will be apreaciated.




  1. Four months ago you asked a question about how to tell your husband you are expecting a baby.  Now you have a 3.5 month old and various other children, AND no longer with your husband.  Can you explain that?

    Either that pregnancy was the shortest pregnancy on the face of the earth, or you are not being 100% truthful somewhere.  (The link to your previous question is in my source list)

  2. Well, I don't know much about adoption, I just wanted to say the two of you must have the biggest hearts around. With the family you already have, and wanting more is astounding. I couldn't do it, but firmly believe anyone who can and does is really special. God bless all of you, and may you always have happiness, health, and prosperity.

  3. I believe that with EIGHT children under the age of 10, you have quite enough child rearing responsiblity to handle.

    Adopted chlidren have been through the loss of their family  and require additional time and attention. I can't imagine how you could possibly accomodate another child.

    Further it doesn't seem fair to attempt to adopt before you are even married...are you trying to pull a Brangelina?

  4. If you guys wanna have a big family and your fiance thinks it's okay i say go for it. you will need a bigger place to have all your kids living together all in one roof  as long as you have a  room for the kid to sleep in and food in your fridge and you two are good parents the adoption should be a piece of cake.and as for the open adoption i don't really know if thats a good idea.Good luck and congrats on your wedding.

  5. What the h**l are you planning to do ? Want to start a zoo ? Why do you need to have more kids if you already have all these kids? I know they're not yours, you'd do the world a huge favour adopting poor neglected kids instead of bringing more kids into this world - who might end up meeting the same fate- Your fiance has FIVE kids and he wants more !! For god's sake. When are people going to start realizing that those "babies" they keep having will SOON grow up to be people just like us and go thru all the sh*t we all go thru ?????

  6. What is your agenda?  I seriously don't feel good about your truthfulness.  Why can't you concentrate on the little children that you already have that need parenting and nurturing now.

    Also if your boyfriend is a so-called lawyer, why doesn't HE know the legality of this whole scheme?

    Why on earth would you even consider marrying a man that has left the mother of his five children?  You know this could end up being you.  I know it sounds dreamy to have a lawyer give you a meal ticket to raise your children, but he apparently can't  make a marriage work, what makes you think you are the answer.

    Truthfully, you keep mentioning that you are raising 8 kids and wanting to bring in more, but you are trying to get attention or what?  Do you want people to admire you and give you sainthood?  Okay everybody look at Taylor and see what a wonderful mother she is.......and she wants to adopt younger kids still.  Isn't she marvelous?  

    You have plenty of kids to raise.  You have your work cut out for you without adding more to the mix.  How unfair for those that are already in your household.

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