
Considering Britain sorta started the slave trade I think its quite racially accepting?

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I've rarely seen any racial attacks in England. Apart from t racially intense Brixton during the 1980s - but my had to tell me about that, I wasn't born. And apart from seldom racial attacks. I think we're doing pretty well.

So my question is: Howcome America seems segregated and holds old fashioned morals still- After 200 hundred years?

Don't forget Britain had the same amount of time to reform.




  1. The slave trade was started by the Dutch and Portuguese; after the Spanish killed all of the natives and stole all their gold and spices.  The British came over afterwards and started the big plantations (sugar and rice first, and then tobacco and cotton) and they bought slaves from the Dutch and Portuguese.  

  2. The slave trade was started by the Portugese

    USA had an instituion of slavery from 1619 - 1865 , 246they have had black people as slaves they were looked down and not seen as human and inferior then in 1865 they were suddenly free the south was against it overall and many white people in general they originally planed to put black people in a independant nation but this never happend and they stayed. Generations of thinking black people are inferior was passed down inherited to later generationsof these white people from 1865 - 1964 they were still seen as inferior and laws allowed them to be segragated and discriminated which result in the civil rights movement and lost of lynchings hate crimes etc. Its only been recognised by the law that black people and all other minorities have human rights to so thats only 44 years ago all those racist things did not disspear over night and to this day many white families are still passing down this hate and on the other side some black families to are passing down the hate inherited from their enslaves great grandparents hate towards whites for their treetment of them

    Now you see in Britian:

    Britain did not have an institution of slavery of Africans/Black people ever of not a on a big scale the queen I think victoria forbid an institution of slavery on British soil as she said Britain was to pure so Britain held slaves in its colonies. But some few Africans did migrate to Britain but there numbers were almost invisible. Most black people today are descendants of people who came to this country in the first half of the 20th century like my grandparents or after WW2 up to now as many are still migrating here. So our population tree is still young we came when the issues of race were relatively not as bad as the centuries prior. But there were many racial problems in the workforce communities and police even up to the 80s but are low numbers created low numbers of these incedents and today the racism has decreased both here and the USA as people are becoming more aware that we really are the same but who said its gone.  The other day an Indian boy was killed in a racism attack a few years back a black boy had something put through his skull another racist.

    When black boys my age are killed there is not much of a reaction compared to when a white boy the same age is killed many still see us all as forrigners when more than half of us were born here two of my grandparents were even born here. The police generalize all of us young black males to be criminals and they continuously waste my time searching me at train stations etc. Our mayor said something racist about black people and BNP have seats

    If Britain had the same history as the USA it wouldn't be that much different today

  3. Possibly with the British government/legislation’s focus on ‘celebrating diversity’ the public becomes more politically correct, than genuinely accepting of other races. Racial attitudes, and the old fashioned morals you mention, may simply have been forced underground.

    Non-accepting native people feel reverse-discrimination, that is, the other races are being favoured over them. So they might respond to racial diversity with subtle discriminations rather than overtly hostile behaviour.

    For example, covert racism may be felt in the structure of organizations – the invisible glass ceiling – or in how those in authority, like police, judges, or top management interpret the racial laws. It’s always easier to blame it on ‘policy’ that the individuals can’t be held responsible for!

    So the 'reform' difference you perceive in comparison with America, may only be on the surface. The multicultural society may not be really integrated racially, but composed of isolated demographic groups just co-existing.

  4. Our government preaches tolerance while practicing the opposite. Rights and privileges are based on race and wealth (more rights and privileges for non whites than average whites, but if you have wealth you are pretty much exempt from any rules). This does impact how people treat one another, and does tend to cause voluntary segregation.

  5. When one of the British Royals' inner circle marries a non-White person, I'll start to believe it.

    Also, was a Black person ever a serious candidate for Prime Minister in the UK.....?

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