
Considering George Bush's Family helped the Holocaust, is this Bush trying to destroy Israel?

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George Bush's grandfather, Senator Prescott Bush, made moneyh off of the concentration camp, Dachau. So like his grandfather, American President Bush is helping muslims murder Israelis, this time in Israel rather then as his grandfather did, in Europe. So tell me, do you think because Bush's grandather was part of the Holocaust of the People Israel, that is the reason George Bush is doing the Holocaust again, but this time Bush is doing a Holocaust of the Nation Israel?




  1. Let it go.  GWB is almost out of office, and he's not going to run for any elected office again.  I know you hate him just because he's a republican, but you can stop making up looney conspiracy theories like this.  It was cute and amusing the first couple years of his administration, when you libs would fabricate nonsensical and totally untrue garbage like this.

    but lately, you're just embarrasing yourself.  Build a bridge and "get over it"  for your own mental and emotional health.

  2. No, you'd have to be a moron to think that.  And you are.

  3. And your source for this is?

    Did you know that the liberal Ted Kennedy's uncle, Joseph P. Kennedy Sr was also considered a n**i sympathizer and was removed from his position as Ambassador to the UK after he wrote "Democracy is finished in England. It may be here, [in the US]. in the Boston Globe November 1940?

    So, by your logic, Ted Kennedy is trying to destroy Israel, as well as Bobby and John when they were alive.

    Tell me something, do liberals ever logically think things through when they come up with ridiculous comments like yours?

  4. at this point in time I think it would be more correct to say that Bush is killing Muslims not Israelites since we are at war with Iraq! Not Israel! And if you want to get technical... Bush Actually lives in America... and isn't anywhere Near Iraq... so I doubt very highly that he has actually KILLED ANYBODY!!

    are you on drugs??  

  5. I'd like a hit of whatever you are smoking. Sounds like liberal desperation.

  6. No he went and kissed Israel's A55, which PlSSED OFF

    the arabs... isn't that good enough for you ?

  7. Do you seriously think George Bush is that smart?Seriously?

  8. I'm well aware that Prescott Bush was involved with financing the n***s through Brown Brothers Harriman.  I don't know what George Bush's personal/collective agenda is regarding destroying, or supporting Israel.  What I do know is that even though the nation of Israel exists as a nation/state in our time, it was originally based upon IS(is)/(amen-)RA/EL.  The story is that the Jews were enslaved by the Egyptians, right?  Well, they adopted the Moon Goddess, Isis, from the Egyptian culture.  Not only that, they adopted the Sun God Amen-Ra from the Egyptian culture.  When they came into contact with the Canaanite, they incorporated the Canaanite stellar (Saturn) God, El, into their religion.  This is why the Jewish Sabbath Day is on a Saturday, or literally Saturn's Day.  It is difficult to destroy a thought and belief.  This belief is not much different than any other religion on the planet, in its basic foundation upon the classical definition of the heavens (remember that birds fly in mid-heaven).  It certainly appears to be a religion based upon the heavenly bodies and a form of astrology.  Astrology does have merit.  Just so the Jews don't get upset that I'm exposing their religion's foundations, I will also say that Islam is based upon the Moon God and Christianity is based upon the Sun God.  Sunday?  Ever notice how many crucifixes have the Sun in the center of them?  The bottom line is I know that Prescott Bush supported the n**i rise to power in Germany and was involved in a plot to establish a n**i government in the United States.  I know that one could destroy the physical, modern nation of Israel and not destroy the foundation of Israel, and I know that most of the other religions are based upon similar heavenly bodies and the astrology that is a result of them.

  9. it would not surprise me

  10. Are you smelling colors yet.

  11. I'm no fan of the Bush family, and I don't know much about their family history from before the first President Bush, but none of this sounds right.

    Also, do you really think Bush is against Israel?  He has done nothing but give them whatever they want, be it money, weapons, or whatever.   And he has looked the other way while they continue to make the Palestinians suffer.  If anything, they Israelis love the Bush family.

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