
Considering H. Gustav, Does being a state gov. give one enough experience to be a V.P.?

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This is with consideration to Gustav




  1. Many PRESIDENTS were once governors:

    Being a governor is great preparation, albeit on a much smaller scale, because the executive functions are similar.

  2. Lest we forget, in the case of Katrina, the entire thing was messed up at a local and state level first, with Gustav, it seems even a young governor such as Jindel can learn from others mistakes and do the right thing. Now considering Jindel is a mere 36 years old, he is doing what should have been done 3 years ago. So it really does not make a difference on which position you have as long as you make the right choices for the people you serve. And I would think if doing that in a Governor position with decent approval ratings, and your state making the right moves forward, then it means a heck of a lot more than just putting in your vote with a bunch of other self-centered Senators.  

  3. It depends on which state.  New York or California, yes.  Alaska, which has only 600,000 residents--one sixth the size of Los Angeles--and very little crime or other problems, no.

  4. Palin is a Governor of a state that borders Russian waters. She commands the national guard, state police and deals with the state budget.  

  5. Having experience doing a job doesn't guarantee that you've actually mastered it....

    If everyone who got into office became 'experienced' we wouldn't need to be voting them out every other year WOULD WE?

  6. Considering many presidents have been governors, yes, morethan enuf for VP.

  7. Natural disasters are supposed to be responded by the local level first.  Then the federal government comes in when it gets too bad.  Democrats are failures at the local level and that's why the federal government came in during Katrina.

  8. Governors who became President




    for example

    many other governors went on to become President, so the answer to your question is yes

    Blue Collar for McCain

  9. As an executive position, Gov Palin has made more tough decisions in a year and a half than obama has in all the state and federal senate time combined.  Remember, though obama has been in the US senate since 2002, he has spent 70 percent of that time ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL.  Those with NO experience should be careful who they are accusing of lacking experience.  The difference?  Gov Palin is the VP on the ticket, NOT the top of the ticket.  Just a wee little difference, no?

  10. Is this in regard to Katrina and a Democrate Gov


    Gustav and a Republican Gov ?

  11. Yes, certainly

  12. Yes, we have had good presidents that were governors first.

  13. I think there are states that do and those that don't.  There are a handful of states that are so small that they don't even compare to the needs of a large city - Alaska is one of those states, 48th, with 627,000 people it would compare in size with Boston or Milwaukee.

  14. Yes.

    Palin has more executive experience than obama has in the senate (143 days).

    She IS the governor of the largest state in the union.

    Oh, I almost forgot . . . he was a community organizer.

    And, don’t forget to inflate your tires.

  15. nope, you need to be an all around type of VP, someone like Biden.

    GOP: LOL, failures? LOL, look at our current situation, who's heading this sucker up?

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