
Considering INDIA;IS IT true that many folks just see&ignore violation of law until it affect them directly???

by Guest61453  |  earlier

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I am not commenting or blaming or imputing any group of people or any body but asking to know views of people of INDIA.

Considering INDIA ; IS IT true that many times many peole just see & ignore violation of laws by others until it affects them directly and personally????

Considering INDIA ; IS IT true that even many times many of them also ignore ill behaviour & wrong done with them ;they don't take pains & don't go so long to get the justice ; they just try to forget or avoid the wrongs????

If yes what are the reasons of such ignorant & wrongful compromising behaviour???

What do you all think about it??

Want to know views of people of INDIA about it.




  1. Indians as a rule lack civic sense.

    But it's not true that all Indians don';t care.

    I live in Bihar and there everyone wants to hoodwink the law if they are allowed to.

  2. I'd say it's split 50-50. Some care and some don't. It's how the world works.

  3. Thats actually true Nikita.. !! its like unless u have cold u r never gonna say NO to the Air-conditioner... so the same applies in our society where unless the problem affects u or ur family u r never bothered abt it nor u stop it when something is happening around u... thats how u will find everywhere not just in india.. its unfortunate that we being so traditional dont follow the term unity!

  4. Isn't that true everywhere?.. not just India?

  5. violation to india and indian people has been perpetrated since centuries from britishers, Mughals, Huuns ,

    and the long drawn slaver of British has made the soul and will of the indians  bird in cage when freed , retuns to the cage only

    and after the independence , continued  infighing in politcs, casual attitude of leaders towards the errosion of values , enivronments, even Borders with neighnbour has not led people to believe that they are free and a have self respect to them  , on the contracy  rising prices, unemployement, scarce resources, difficult living conditions, all is forcing Indians to some how live the life given by some one called God... and pay lip service to the cuture and religion and some how escape the wrath of Goons who have political backing.

    in summary the India is For the Goons , by the Goons and Of the Goons...

    some exceptions  like Kiran Bedi, APJ Kalam,  are there who are circumventing the obstacles and are going their own way to sortout the issue.  but they are drops of sugar in the ocean of salt ...

    so if the King is cheat , public will be cheat , sanskrit saying . yatha raja tatha praja..

    another reason is Priest Hood who are teaching that it is all fate, you can not change your destiny, be fearful of bad karma .. or you will go to h**l. all this makes child afraid

    and parents do not allow child to go out for adventures like the westen boy or girl does like mountaineering, rafting, boating, surfing

    then the puritanical view on s*x and love kills the child he hates himself or herself

    even child is afraid to love

    fear of love creates great guilt

    boy afraid of girl and girl afraid of boy

    when they marry the child they produce will come out of fear and not love

    so Indian society is ridden with many ills . and you may find the reasons for your observation that indians are accepting the wrong done to them.

    every child suffers the wrong done to him by parents, priest and politicians

    how he will have rebelliousness . and how he can fight against major ills

  6. not sure where you live, but i'll bet if you look around you will find the same thing.  all the same questions apply too.

  7. yes it is true ,

  8. generally you are mentioning the attitude of city people. but in the majority of Indian villi age, its not like that. this kind of nature is not only in Indian cities. its all over the world. that 2 in developed countries, these type of things are very usual. even in the developed countries, violating the laws like racial discrimination, suppressing the human  rights. so this is there around the world.

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