
Considering cornrows and im white?

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ok just a quick background. my mom is irish and puerto rican and my dad is 100 black. now i came out malato which means my skin color is white im not light skinned or anything. now to the hair. i have always got my hair cut short [light cesar] and i liked it. but i wanted a change and around my february i started to let it grow. now its really big puffy fro lol. i have considered getting braids and i can get someone whose really good to do it but im not sure if it would look good on me. (im not concerned about the fact that it only should be for black people or anything else, just like the style and if it looks right now me) heres two pictures of me and let me kno what u think




  1. do it, if you dont like it afterwards you can always cut them off and just go with short hair. like another answerer said - it wont be long like that again, just do it for the experience.  

  2. definitely do it.  it won't be forever that your hair is that long.

  3. If your goal is to look like a complete and utter moron, go for it.

  4. Definatly not, this look is hard to pull off and rarely looks good.sorry

  5. yeah do it!! even if you ended up not liking them, you could always take em out.


    ahhhh- get dreads instead!!!

  6. braid that shitt son. these other hoez dont know wtf theyre talking about

  7. no keep the fro

  8. fuckign do it dude

    that **** woudl look ******* sweet


    youd looks gang$ta as **** also

    def. do it

  9. You are a really god looking guy. You have beautiful hair. What us girls would do to have your beautiful,thick curly hair. You can try it and see if you like it? If not, it's not like you can't take it down and get it trimmed up.One thing about hair,it always grows back or you can always change it if you want. I personally think you would look the best if you just got it thinned out some and trimmed but hey,you only live once.

  10. i really dont like braids i think only few pepole can ware them without looking trashy even though lots do but with your face structure i think you could pass it off it wont look bad and i also think that if your hair will natually puff like that it will hold the braids well. im sure you have a friend who can do some basic braids on you just to test it out for free.  

  11. h**l yeah, I have a friend who looks just like you and he has cornrows and they look HOT on him!!  Don't listen to these other answers  TRUST me, you would look good  :)   Get em done.  

  12. please...don't do that to look good now.

  13. no no no dont do it.

  14. DON'T.  

  15. shave your sanchez stache off.

    and no way you wankster your white thats just against the law!

  16. DO IT ! =)

  17. NO WAY *****.

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