
Considering he is so old, what will they do to Aribert Heim if he is found?

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He's 94 or close to it or a little bit older.

Will they put him to the death sentence or will they just let him live out his remaining years?

His trail alone will take years and years.

Do you believe that he'll even survive his trials?

That is to say, if he is even still alive.




  1. Who will the jews turn on when all of their favorite n***s are dead by natural death? Their continued sick hatred will seek out new foes whether they have any or not!

  2. A death sentence would be a release to his soul. He had killed so many people. His life must be full with torture, although he had lived in a luxury life.

    Hence, death is not a punishment to him but a release.

    If the court is kind, he would received a death sentence; if the court is hard, he would have his life sentence.

  3. I cant see any court convicting a 94 year old man to death, However if he is caught and tried. he will most likely spend the rest of his life however brief behind bars.

  4. lets hope he is punished regardless of his age

  5. If he is found they will put him on trial.

    As far as a death sentence i doubt if he will live long enough to see that happen.

    There have been cases of n**i war criminals well into their 80s who have been found and put on trial, so i dont see why they wouldnt put this guy on trial as well.

    What they did was so wrong, there is no forgiving it.

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