My mother has been in a downward spiral for about 2 years now and she is finally homeless. I am thinking she may have developed some mental illness, because she thinks everything is a conspiracy against her and everyone is out to get her. Anyway, she has ended up homeless and with no vehicle and Social services have taken the twins(boy and girl, both 11) from her and she has already lost custody of her youngest daughter (my sister, age 8) to my dad. But the twins arent his children...long story there...anyway...The twins have been placed in emergency foster care for now, but a social worker is coming by tonight to interview me and my boyfriend to make sure that we want to take them. I am very close with them and I want more than anything to help them out, but I have a 2 bedroom duplex and a 3 year old son. I am also a part-time student pursuing and engineering degree and work fulltime. I am 22 and my bf is 35, he has already done so much for me he let me and my son (he isnt the father, but the father is around) move in with him when my mom lost her house 2 years ago because she wouldnt get a job. She claimed that she wouldnt get a job making $8/ hour. This I dont understand because she has small children to support...
anyway...I am spreading myself too thin to be taking in 2 11 year olds for up to a year, maybe more?? I know i will get aid through the state, but I am worried the children will resent me for not taking them in...
I am worried about the money, and the space(i dont have bedrooms for them) but I am really their only option besides someone they dont know keeping them in foster care...what should I do??