
Considering that gas prices are raising, how can we reduce our energy costs?

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Considering that gas prices are raising, how can we reduce our energy costs?




  1. Start walking our lazy fat @$$es to more places. It's really not that far people!

  2. The first thing to do is acknowledge that the U.S. dollar is falling in value. When the Federal Reserve prints more money and puts it into circulation, the value of each dollar goes down.

    Then you acknowledge that the reason for this fiat money being placed into the economy is to make up for the shortfall in the national budget. It's easier to pay off debt in cheaper dollars.

    Then you work to elect Senators and Representatives that will put a stop to this nonsense.

    And if you believe that it is the oil companies just gouging us for windfall profits, you are beyond hope, and no help to the rest of us.

  3. 1.  Drill in ANWAR

    2. Build more refineries

    3. Decrease the tax on gas

    4.  Quit the special blends demanded by the EPA.

    Now you can walk more and drive less. You can change your fuel filter regularly and keep the right amount of air in your tires. You cannot run your air conditioner and try to carpool but none of these are as effective and the preceding tips

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