
Considering the March global temperature data, can we put the 'global cooling' nonsense to rest?

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According to NASA GISS, the average global temperature in March was 14.67°C. That's a full 0.41°C warmer than February, and warmer than 5 of the past 7 Marches. It's also warmer than all but one month of 2007 (January, which was the hottest single month ever recorded).

It would appear that La Nina has dissipated.

Now that temperatures have returned to their previous "normal", can we lay this "global cooling" nonsense to rest?




  1. NO

  2. What are you talking about?

    The temp has risen slightly in March, but that would be expect for the Northern hemisphere. Troposphere data is still well below the last decades average.


    The real answer may lie in when the sun will begin the cycle 24.

  3. You don't seem to realize this, but global temperatures fluctuation occurs over the long term.  A month here or there doesn't mean too much.  Do you really think one month means anything?  I don't.  Ken pretends to know he was right.  It may be still warming or it may be cooling.  Who knows?   I wouldn't say it is 50/50 because I don't pretend to know things I don't.

  4. Sorry but not yet.

    I do not support global cooling, but i think we need more March's with a warming trend. I think that your mistaking weather for climate. Yes as of the past few years March is warming, but i don't think that a few years is enough to disprove the theory of global cooling. I think that it will be proved once time goes on and we get more data.

  5. i dont know where you live but here in eastern canada it was one of the coolest marches lots of snow.

  6. lol! some of the answers seem to prove your point.

  7. April 7th, Virginia, MN, 32 inches of snow, too bad global warming is a bunch of b.s, sure could use some spring flowers.

  8. No.  Don't be silly.

    Quoting data for one month simply reinforces the idea that short term data has any meaning at all.  Bad idea.

  9. No. Ice ages come and go. If we don't have a runaway greenhouse effect that kills us all, we'll get to enjoy another ice coming along in due course.

    That doesn't mean the global warming doubters aren't residing on the lunatic fringe.

  10. It was also warmer than March 1998. And it looks like it's tied as the 3rd warmest March ever.

    While it's nice to hopefully put to rest the doubters repeated false assertions about the end to global warming, I really and sincerely wish they had been right.  But I knew they weren't.

    What's quite interesting (from the misguided perspective of people looking at short-term trends) is that the rate of increase is actually faster than the rate of decrease.  It took 3 months to drop 0.43 C (Oct '07 - Jan '08), but only 2 months to rise back up 0.55 C (Jan '08 - Mar '08).


    Sorry Mt. Zion, but it's the doubters who've been repeatedly touting global warming has ended based on ludicrously short-term changes.  So all it takes to prove them wrong is to use their own misguided analysis methods.  So if you doubters were consistent, the 3-month 0.55 C warming "trend" should convince you that global warming is very real and we're all going to die ;-)

    To those of us that understand data analysis, this month is nothing but more noise.  The warming trend continues climbing as it has been and will continue to do.

    Edit 2:

    Mt Zion - Doesn't your Bible say "Judge not, lest you be judged"?  You, my friend, are badly mistaken about me. I have no desire to pay more taxes or give up any of the modern energy hungry pleasures I enjoy. I'm just as much of a hedonist as you or any other doubter on here. But I do understand science and I do want my children to have a prosperous joyful life. That's my only motivate in providing scientific information here. I'm sorry that you're unable to detach your ideology from science and accept what's real.

  11. dana, would you please explain what you are doing driving a car, (CO2 EMISSIONS)heating your home,(MORE CO2 EMISSIONS) cooling your home,(RELEASE OF HYDROCARBONS WHICH DESTROY THE OZONE LAYER) and fouling the good earth with your bodily excrements?(POLLUTING GROUND WATER AND RELEASING METHANE INTO THE ATMOSPHERE) not to mention the garbage you put out on the street.(MORE METHANE AND FOULING OF LAND FILL SPACE) please put this, YOUR global warming nonsense to rest. please stop contributing to the problem by leaving a carbon footprint with your computer.(RELEASE OF CO2 FROM COAL TO MAKE ELECTRICITY TO POWER YOUR COMPUTER) if you believe so much in global warming, then please do something with yourself other than trying to scare people with your phony mantra.  to do anything other than addressing your own faults and contributions to the pollution and global warming issue is just plain hypocritical.

  12. Well, considering that the base period for this nasa.giss table is from 1951-1980, when the planet was in a cooling era, of course it will be warmer.  To claim the temperatures in those 30 years are the ideal global temperature is just ridiculous.  If you compare the Mann hockey stick chart that is used as a basis of mean global temperature, even though it clearly manipulated the recent temperatures from the last 1,000 years, it will show that 1951-1980 should be the ideal global mean temperature.  But if you use the unmanipulated data involving the temperatures during the MWP, 1951-1980 is much cooler than the MWP and we are returning to normal temperatures.  Like I have said time and time again, any person who has taken a statistics course knows how to manipulate data.

    Also, the trend of Marchs in the last 7 years has been colder than the norm.  So if this one was slightly warmer than 5 of the last 7, that means nothing because December, January, and February was the 8th coolest over the past 29 years.  This is all just statistical cherry picking.

    Now that I stated that, there is a real question I would like your input on in the Physics section.  Global warming arguments aside, what do you think about it?;...

  13. I think you are confusing 'climate' and 'weather'.

    That is a common mistake for uninformed Yahoo! posters.

    From Ken:  " I really and sincerely wish they had been right."

    Now THAT'S the biggest line of c**p I've ever heard.  You know what you want, and it has nothing to do with climate or the environment.

    "to those of us who understand data analysis..."

    No one who "understands data analysis" could claim that multi-parameter models based on RECONSTRUCTED data can be extrapolated ten minutes forward let alone decades--and keep a straight face.

    Find me a statistician that supports the data analysis that has been done.

    That's a New Testament quote, but one I'll heed.

    Mea culpa.

    Now find me that statistician

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