
Considering travel to Spain. Heard alot about racism out there. As a black man, how concerned should I be?

by Guest56792  |  earlier

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Realism is appreciated. I'd rather kill the idea of going altogether if its truly that bad, than to get there and regret having gone. Leaving from the states, but traveled enough to know the "ugly-american" act gets you nowhere abroad. I'm considering Barcelona as a likely destination with Madrid as a possible second. I've heard all kinds of c**p - both negative and positive and I just want to be able to seperate fact from fiction. Along with the racial heads up, any reccomendations for places to visit or things to do that ARENT terribly tourist-ish would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.




  1. I hope you decide to go.  The earlier answers made it sound like the color of your skin would not matter but your dress and actions would.  If you look good and conduct yourself with dignity, your should be fine - just as in the USA.

    May I also recommend that you be sure to get some good travel insurance.  In a foreign land there are dozens of things that can happen in an instant to ruin a trip.  With good insurance, you can preserve your options in case something does happen.  For an excellent resource, go to and read about your options.  TravelGuard is the industry leader.  IMG is well respected and growing quickly.  You can buy on-line if it suits you.

    Best wishes.

  2. At soccer (futbol) matches, when a black player comes on the field, the Spaniards sometimes shout "monkey! monkey!" and throw bananas.  That should give you a feeling for the racial climate there...

    There's a lot of tension in Spain about race, due in part to massive immigration in recent years from Morocco & other North African countries.  When you see people selling pirated DVDs on the streets in Barcelona, they will mostly be immigrants and they will mostly be black.  Just like in the U.S., border security has become a big issue; sometimes the Spanish shoot at illegals as they attempt to enter the country by water.  There are protests on both sides.  Much has been made of the high crime rate among immigrant populations.

    That said, if you look like a tourist, people ought not to bother you much.  It's very improbable that you would be refused service in restaurants, etc.  It's very much like being a Latino in Texas; although a lot of white Texans will go on about "them d**n lazy Mexicans," there's not a lot of anti-Latino violence, and people who look like they've got money are welcome in pretty much any establishment.

  3. You shouldn't be concerned.

    Unfortunately, some kind of racism has spread lately thorough Spain, but it is mostly directed to North Africans or people from Morocco, and specially to Muslim people.

    As an AfroAmerican you won't have any problem.

  4. I'm a Spanish working for an American company. I've spent the last 7 weeks in Las Vegas (not gambling, but working). During the first week in Vegas I went shopping to a supermarket with another Spanish colleage. Of course, we use Spanish to talk to each other! A man just looked at us with disgusting face and started to shout at us to speak in English... Are American racist? I don't think so... Just bumped into the wrong person at the wrong moment I guess. In Spain it is just the same.

    An American man with his child asked me that same day if it is safe for American to travel to Europe as long as we, Europeans, hated them. Of course not! We may not like your way to handle international political or enviromental issues but people is people wherever they come from. And if you are a tourist spending your money in Spain, you'll be as welcome as I am in any shop in Vegas when I show my Gold Visa Credit Card.

    By the way... we do NOT shoot people! That's the most craziest story I've heard about the whole problem with illegal immigration. Just check the news:

    About racism in sports... well, what can I say? What would you think of someone that insults a black guy from the rival team and, at the same time, is wearing a 100$ T-shirt with the name of another black guy who plays for the team he supports. Actually, he would keep insulting other white players's mums, etc...

    So... yes, it is true there are many illegal immigrants in Spain (some of them are black, of course). Yes, it is true that some people are racist but like in any other country. No, we won't shoot you (just try not to kill our president and, even so, I don't think police would shoot you anyway). Please, don't walk into one of this skinhead pubs. If you do so, I promise I won't have a walk in the Bronx in the night.

    About the places to visit... well, it depends on what you are interested about. Just check this answer:;...

    I'm avalaible to chat or e-mail if you want.

  5. I'm Spanish. In Spain there's no a lot of racism. There is racism but just as much as in any other country in Europe or in the USA. You'll have no problem. More than 8% of the Spanish population are immigrants (mostly Moroccan and latin-americans). It's not as common to see black people here but they don't generally feel discriminated. Yes, there are a black-african guys selling cd's on the street but many others have normal jobs. Some have had children and they go to University and there's no problem. One american blackwoman was teaching English in the academy I studied, she was fine here. (I left the academy so I don't know if she's still there)

    And by the way, what is been said regarding immigrants being shot in the border by the Spanish Ppolie is wrong. They were shot by the Morocann police in one occasion out of thousands. In Spain, they are sent back to their countries if they are illegal and if they are injured or sick they get health assistant for free before they are deported.

    People think that there's a lot of racism in Spain because of the football(soccer) issue. That was the opinion of a single person. Not the feeling of a Country. You are more than welcome to come and then you'll see that it's like any other place regarding racism (few racist stupid people who try to damage our civilisation), but better in many others. I honestly don't think you'll find any discrimination here, and it's even more unlikely because you are a tourist and because you are coming from a developed country.

    Recommendations: Barcelona is my city and I love it: lots to offer, sea, architecture, history, weather,.... Madrid is also a great cosmopolitan city with great museums but lacks the sea. Sevilla and Granada will offer a lot of history, La Alhambra in Granada is awesome. Beaches are great all over Spain, avoid overcrowded areas, such as Lloret, Salou, Benidorm, Marbella, which are really tourist-ish (you will feel like in UK), and go to quiter beaches where you'll get to know the real Spain.

    Hope you enjoy your time here and any questions, just e-mail me.

  6. Come, visit and gather your own picture! I would say that some media in the USA are rather quick on news about Spain, because of politics in the last years I guess. Rafa L and Jona have already talked with realism about what the atmosphere here is.

    Depending on the length of your stay and your preferences I would recommend some of the big cities, Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Sevilla, Cordoba, Bilbao, Santander, many many natural areas of amazing sights and preserved wild life, and planning a little bit at where to have lunch or dinner. Buy a good guide (lonely planet, routard...) with directions for restaurants, bars, tapas, and so on.


    I am from Spain, have lived in the UK and France, and have travelled to about 20 countries in the first and third world.

  7. racsim in spain is rarely shown to tourists,with the exception of drunk english hooligans.

    so being black shouldn,t be a problem!

    just don,t be suprised in costal areas if people come up to you and try and buy a carpet or a watch from you!

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