
Consistent tummy tightening contractions?

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I had an appt. at 11am this morning and had my membranes stripped for the second time. Not to be graphic, but this time I bled more and still am. I called the doctor and they said that it's normal. At the appt. he also felt my tummy and told me I was having a contraction. My tummy was really tight, I didn't know that was a contraction. After the appt. I started having regular contractions 5 mins. apart where my stomach gets really tight and stays that way for a good 45 seconds. Are these Braxton Hicks or is this the first stage of contractions? If it is the first stage of contractions how long will I have them before they become more intense?

BTW, I'm 39 weeks and 4 days.




  1. sweetie you need to go to labor and delivery you sound like your in labor good luck!!

  2. interesting

  3. If they are regularly 5 minutes apart I think you need to head to L&D. Braxton Hicks are irregular and the real contractions are regular. Good luck!!

  4. they are not braxton hicks if you still have them after drinking water and laying on your left side. depending on how fast your labor goes they may not get painful for a couple of hours. Good Luck and Happy Laboring!!!!!

  5. To me it sounds like you are in the early stage of labor...this stage could last a while, it is different in every person. Braxton Hicks are false contractions that are not regular. If yours are 5 mins apart and regular you are in labor. If you are concerned with this call your local hospital or wherever you will be delivering and they can give you more information...don't hesitate to call them, they are your best resource! :D

  6. You will know when you're in labor!  Believe me.  There will be no question.  They get closer together and more painful.  And your body will let you know.  It sounds dumb, but it's the truth!  Best of luck!

  7. When they become painful, go to the hospital.  You already have the time of the contractions that is needed for admission, so when the pain starts....go.  Enjoy your baby!

  8. The best way to tell if it is the real thing is to take a warm bath.  If the contractions are still there after the bath.  Yes you are in labor.  Every labor is different only time will tell how long you still have.

    Good luck and congratulations

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