
Consititutional bill !?

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For extra credit in my government class we can write a letter to a congress person about a bill or issue that they support or disagree with, &nd what our opinions on it are. So my question is what should my topic be? I can write to anyone I want in the political eye, about anything. Please help me I have no clue what to write about!




  1. Here's one. Ask if that Member of Congress will support a law that exempts men and women serving on active duty in the armed forces of the U.S. from Federal Income Tax. Point out that, until a few years after the Korean conflict, no one in the armed forces paid Federal income taxes. Stress the fact that we are at war and it seems to be unfair to ask that man or woman to be in positions of mortal danger while the tax man picks their pocket.

  2. There are many issues currently before the Congress that would be relevant such as Iraq war funding, and stance on off-shore and Anwar drilling for oil.  Another big issue is "pork spending" including openness of where the money is being spent and who is asking for it.  

    I like the suggestion on term limits.

  3. Ask how realistic it would be to ever see a Bill before Congress limiting their years of service, like the President.

    That would last about two seconds on the teleprompter before it got laughed out of the House.

    PS, They really need it.

  4. Write about The Vote regarding FISA,which forgives telephone companies for listening into peoples phone conversation swithout warrants at the request of the Government.

  5. Why don't you write to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and ask her about the Enumerated Powers Act.

    That's the one that would require the Congress to quote the part of the Constitution that allows whatever law they want to pass or action they want to take. The COWARDS have had it buried in committee for more than a year, and they aren't about to let it out for debate or a vote.

  6. It would be in your best interest to write a short, plain letter to the congress person for your district.  They have staffs throughout their district.  It would better to know your representative's political slant. Form  your question to the bias of your representative.  He/she will give you a clear answer that plays to the majority of the people in the congressional district.  Since most representatives are in office for several years, you should have no difficulty in learning the bias of your representative by asking an adult in your hometown.

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