
Conspiracy against republican party in press??

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im from the UK but it does seem very one sided with most of the reporting so far going towards the Democrats -NO OPINIONS ON WHO SHOULD WIN OR HOW ONE PARTY IS BETTER THAN THE OTHER PLEASE




  1. THe reason is pretty simple, schools of journalism are run mostly b liberals, who in turn influence the next generation who in turn become the  editorial staffs of tomorrow, who like to hire like minded people... no different on the fox news side, I am sure they hire all the misfits who couldn't get a job at a liberal station and are all the more rabid in their hatred of them...

    The repubs only have a majority at fox and in talk radio.. the Dem's have them outnumbered 20 to one int eh profession...

  2. It always has been.  The media in the US is very liberal, so they always side with the democrats,  even if they do not come right out and say it.  When something good happens and republicans are responsible for it, the reports usually end very negatively with something like "..but is that enough?".  Democrats usually get excuses or a pass all together on most wrong doing.  We right now have a Congress that's majority democrats and has the lowest approval rating (like 9%), the media however, blames everything that's bad in the economy on the Bush administration (whose approval rating is about 32%--almost 4 times that of the congress).  

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