
Conspiracy test:JFK, the magic bullet. What say you?

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Interesting, such differing points of view. Please tell me more!




  1. After 45 years of so much controversy, the official report, Warren, still holds. But maybe something really weird happen. But we should never find out. And I don't believe in the sniper in the grassy knoll. Too many people on the knoll and sidewalk, how could he, or she? escaped?

  2. John F Kennedy was set up by the US government just like Martian Luther King was.

  3. I say there were two shooters: Oswald and unknown gunman on the Grassy Knoll.  

  4. Having just watched the Discovery Channel, I think the "magic" bullet theory has been put to rest. Even at that, the tests were performed under almost perfect and controlled conditions. Oswald would have had to been perfect also. There was never any proof that his marksmaship was anywhere near that level of competency.There are quite a few pertinent points that they didn't cover. I still believe that there were more than one shooter. Kennedy was going to die in Miami (Nov. 18), Dallas (Nov.22), or later. After numerous interviews with Cuban ex-patriates and members of organized crime syndicates, that has been proven. Knowing that, I think it proves that there was a conspiracy to assassinate him.

  5. Bruno how many un-armed people do you know are going to charge up a hill after a armed gun men..... Not even a blind man is going to run in the same direction he or she heard a shot come from... And the grassy hill shooter is real..... Because 17 people pointed to that hill as were they heard shots come from...... And there was not magical about that bullet... Someone put it there and I don't give a rats tail no bullet os going to hit bone and two people and  be that pristine as that bullet was... It just not possible................

  6. I say me... don't care. Aha, why did you write "What say you?" That is such weird grammar. Anyway, I had to do a 30 something page essay in the 7th grade (yes, the 7th grade... my teacher seemed to think we were all child prodigies)  about JFK. I had 2 more photos than we were supposed to have, and although they were small, I got a D. Ever since then, I have NOT cared about the JFK conspiracy at all.

  7. Lee Harvey Oswald is the man who killed Kennedy.

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