
Conspiracy theory?

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What is a conspiracy theory?




  1. Generally, it's a theory that some event was the work of a group of people in colllaboration, rather than what it appears to be on the surface.    

    Perhaps the most notorious conspiracy theory is that the 9/11 attack was actually the work of more than just al Queda; that people here in the U.S. were somehow involved.

  2. That's where a bunch of whacko nutcases make up a lot of totally unbelievable scenarios to explain something that might have the slightest indication that the blame lies completely with George W. Bush.

  3. When someone speculates an alternative theory as to the reason for events as reported.

  4. A conspiracy theory usually attributes the ultimate cause of an event or chain of events (usually political, social, pop cultural or historical events), or the concealment of such causes from public knowledge, to a secret, and often deceptive plot by a group of powerful or influential people or organizations. Many conspiracy theories imply that major events in history have been dominated by conspirators who manipulate political happenings from behind the scenes. Historians often take conspiracy theories "as actual theory, i.e., the viewpoint with the greatest explanatory value and the greatest utility as a starting point for further investigation, explanation and problem solving."

  5. A conspiracy theory is a theory in which it is believed something happened, or happened differently than reported, and was covered up; usually by the government or a large corporation.  An example would the Area 51 theory.  The theory is a flying saucer crashed near Roswell New Mexico and the government removed all the debris and evidence to a classified area called Area 51.  The government stated there was no flying saucer but rather the object that crashed was a high altitude weather ballon.  The conspiracy theorists state they have evidence refuting the governments claim but the government is covering up what really happened.  I hope that wasn't too confusing of an explanation.
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