
Constant FATIGUE and WEAKNESS????

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you are going to say depression or chronic fatigue syndrome, please don't answer.

Here it goes.

I am an 18 year old male. For the last few years, I have felt terrible. I get a good 7-8 hours of sleep (sleep deeply), I eat very healthy (no sugar or sodas, minimal dairy and processed foods - drink PLENTY of water - no alcohol or drugs of any kind), I am not overweight.

..Yet, everyday I wake up feeling absolutely drained of energy. I wake up feeling very unrefreshed and it lasts ALL DAY. Constant fatigue. I have become depressed from this, NOT the other way around.

Ive had my blood tested (ALL normal - no anemia, thyroid problem), stool samples, allergy testing (I avoid allergies).

It has been consuming my life, I feel terrible all the time - I just BARELY can get through a school day, and has ruined my concentration.

I also have redness/inflamation on my face - I think it is related.

What do u think?




  1. I am sorry this is happening to you. You could have multiple sclerois, diabetes type 2 or type 1, heart rhythm disorder, medication allergy (which would explain the redness on your face), viral syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, low blood pressure, cystic fibrosis. emphysema, dehydration, lupus etc.

    Might I also suggest that you make sure that you are not drinking too much water. This is because consuming too much water can kill you. You should not be drinking one than eight glasses of water a day.

    I know you are a healthy eater. But at the same time make sure you eat balance meaning that make sure you get enough calcium, protein, sugar etc.

    My advice to you would be to check out this site WebMd. It shows you a diagram of the human body and when you go on you would be able to find your symptoms and then they would be able to show you the various diseases you can have.

    Might I also suggest that you visit another doctor. Before you go I think you should write down all the symptoms you are experiencing, state the year when it started, note any chnges in weight (whether losing weight or gaining weight), changes in diet, list the medications you take (if any), research your family medical history etc

  2. Take a look at this website...this Dr has also written a book titled From Fatigued to Fantastic. Just because your tests came back normal does not mean that your body is operating at its optimal capacity....apparently because you feel so bad....maybe you should be tested for the Ebstein-Barr is one of the markers used (when Dr that believe in it) to diagnosis Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Good Luck

  3. I think you need to find a good chiropractor.  Get an adjustment, (couldn't hurt) and describe your symptoms.  Chiropractors approach health care holistically, and tend to look for causes rather than just treating symptoms.

    Check over the list of possibilities here:

    I feel confident in ruling out pregnancy and menopause, and it seems likely that many of the others would have been detected by your blood work.

    If you have any pain or tenderness when pressure is applied (especially to the upper body- back, chest, neck) it could be fibromyalgia.  It is very hard to diagnose since most tests will come back normal, and routine health screenings rarely detect it.

    I'm sorry I can't be of more help.  I hope you're feeling better soon.

  4. think i have a smilair problem.

    Cept i can;t sleep i get to bed about 1-2ish then get up at 6 however if i go to bed at 9 or 10 i wont fall alseep till 1-2ish i think its insomia.

    you should go to your doctor

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