
Constant Headaches.????

by  |  earlier

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Okay so i'm only 16 and i have headaches almost everyday and every time i stand up i get really dizzy and my vision goes black. I have been to the doctor, i had blood work done and an x-ray. but they found nothing and told me to just relax, but nothing helps.

any suggestions on what it could be or what i can do about it?





  1. The headaches may be a separate problem from the dizziness and vision problems, but they could possibly be related.  Dizziness and vision problems when standing up are due to a rapid, temporary drop in blood pressure - called orthostatic hypotension.  This is fairly common, and is not considered a problem unless it interferes with common activities. There isn't much you can do about this except stand up slowly, and intentionally flex the muscles in your legs when you start to stand up.

    Low blood pressure can also cause headaches, but the doctors would have certainly noticed if you have chronically-low BP.

    One condition that can cause both of these problems is low blood sugar.  This problem is called reactive hypoiglycemia, and its very difficult for a doctor to diagnose this in routine blood tests.  Blood sugar crashes typically happen when someone skips meals, or when someone eats something that is high in sugar and nothing else.  Pay attention to any patterns in your headaches.  Blood sugar crashes usually happen in pattern that reflects your eating habits - typically in mid-afternoon or a bout a half hour after drinking a soda pop.  

    If hypoglycemia doesn't seem likely, then the next thing to do is to figure out what of headache you have.  There are many different headache types, and each one has a different cause.  Sinus headaches are ones that tend to occur daily.

  2. PLEASE BE PERSISTENT!! GO TO YOUR DOCTOR AND REQUEST SOME TYPE OF SCAN. It's better to be safe than to be sorry.

  3. Ask for a MRI scan of the brain immediately.

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