
Constant back pain!!?

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my lower back always hurts and it hurts more when its my time of the month is there anything like over the counter meds that help??????




  1. There are many over the counter pain relievers, some are made specifically for back pain. Go to your pharmacy and ask the pharmacist which is best.

  2. it could be something to do with your kidneys. like a kidney infection or stone. then you would need to see your doctor.

  3. my lower back is always aching as well and sometimes very painfull. sometimes i cant even move due to the pain, when i lie down it is twice as bad.i have never found anything to  work for it, tylenol, advil, ibuprofen, naproxen, talwin, nothing. i even lost 40 pounds and still good luck

  4. To counter act back pain/cramps before your period, it has been recommended that you take anti-imflammatories such as mortrin or aleve two days before your period is supposed to start and then throughout your period and then two days afterwards.

    It sounds like you need to work on getting your lower back stronger.  To do that, you need to work on your abdominal muscles as well as your back muscles.  Stretching for both your abs and back can help, as well as tai chi, yoga, or weightlifting for toning.

    There is a book out called Managing Your Back Pain by Robin Mckenzie, which has been out for quite awhile- you can probably find it on amazon without difficulty, which teaches some basic exercises that can help your back out.  You can do most of the exercises in bed when you wake up and then again in the evening.

  5. medicinal marijuana. I use for same symptoms. Its a blessing.
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