
Constant back problems.?

by  |  earlier

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Whenever i am sitting down, I always..Always get an ache in the bottom right of my back..kind of where my kidneys are...It canes the living sht out of me and drives me nuts, i cant see a doctor...please do not ask why, and i cant have any more time of school, but i cannot concentrate or think because of my pain...

Any ideas how to fix, or what it is?





  1. It could be a number of issues but the fact that it occurs only when you're sitting seems to indicate either a posture problem or a muscle/tissue issue.  It's amazing how poor posture can contribute to back pain, standing, sitting and walking can all play an effect.  When you do any of these in future think about how aligned your back is, you want to keep it as straight as possible, no slouching for example.  When you do sit, use a cushion in the small of your back to keep it aligned.  In the meantime, try a heat pad on the area and take some Ibuprofen (with parents permission) on a regular basis to ease the inflammation.  You might also want to consider some gentle back stretching exercises to keep it supple, relaxed and to strengthen it.  You'll find some good exercises here:

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