
Constant headaches - 11 weeks pregnant - anything I can do?

by  |  earlier

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For the past 2 days I have had constant headaches. I take tylenol but it does nothing (well I was only taking one extra strength, then I finally took 2 and it worked for a little while but now the headache has returned)

Is this just what I am going to have to deal with? Should I keep taking tylenol? I would call the doctor but I doubt they will do anything except tell me it's normal.

Any advice?




  1. I am the same way and 13 weeks pregnant. I also am taking tylenol extra strength does nothing. There is nothing I can do except lay down and try to feel better. My doctor didn't help me with it at all.

  2. sudafed is brilliant for headaches but i dont know if you can take them whilst pregnant.. the best thing to do is go to your doctor and see if they can find out y you have these headaches.. just to be on the safe side!!

  3. at this time headaches are normal. you can only take up to 6 tylenol a day. Maybe you're not getting enough water, I recommend taking 2 tylenol with a huge glass of water and taking a nap, it helped me during those headache times, if it gets worse you need to contact your doctor

  4. DO NOT take extra strength tylenol, regular only!!

    try a cold cloth on your forehead and rest in the dark. avoid caffeine

  5. HI there

    Don't worry the same happened to me with 2nd child i also had headache's and my one leg went numb  ..

    RELAX the baby is laying on a nerve don't take any drugs go to a health shop and ask there u need something for pain --all natural--that works

  6. I had that problem for a little while. I used to sit on one of those heating/vibrating massagers against my back. It relaxed alot of muscles and helped out alot. Or maybe you can use one of those neck massagers. Depends on where your headaches are steming from.

  7. I would call and tell them that it is non stop and tylenol isn't working. Ask them i they have any suggestions. It couldn't hurt!

  8. I was told not to take extra strenght and to take 8 hour tylenol and that works wonders for me:) Thank god cause I have bad headaches too:(

  9. try drinking water and lots of it you might just be dehydrated

  10. i would call the doctor. they could recommend something else for you to take or write you an RX for something esp. if you have a history of headache. otherwise you could try something else over the counter. i have a history of bad headaches and when i was preg. i had to get them  to write me an RX for something but i dont remember the name of it now. thats been a couple years. hope you feel better because i know they are no fun!!!

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