
Constant menstrual cramping...35 weeks?

by  |  earlier

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i have had on and off menstrual cramping the past few though it has not gone away at all! and along with it i have constant diarrhea.....what the heck?? i feel like complete c**p...what is going on?




  1. Its probably nothing, but it could (although unlikely) be a sign of early labor.  I'd recommend you contact your doctor or midwife.  They might want to check you for dilation.

  2. Hey, I think it's a first stage of labor. The cramping are your contractions and diarrhea is definitely a symptom. I would call your doctor or midwife to double check.

  3. Amanda.....I think you're getting pregnant!

    Hey trust me on this; I'm a guy and I know ABSOLUTELY nothing about cramping and all that great smiley stuff, but even I know those are early signs.

    Check out the doctor and I hope you find the answers you're looking for, because it sounds like it's getting intense!

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