
Constant nausea, what is the cause of this?

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I have literally had nausea for over a month continously, all the time. Exhausted as well. There is a possibility I am preg right now.. but that doesn't explain 2 weeks ago feeling nauseous. I only take zoloft at a very low dose for anxiety but I have been taking that for a few years without this much nausea. What could be other causes I am not thinking of here? I am "sick" of waking up every single day feeling like I am going to hurl!!




  1. Yes you could be Preggo, but have you been eating well?  I have sunstroke last summer, and I hardly ate anything, and everyday i felt like i was gonna barf-3 weeks straight.  I hadn't been eating, and my stomach was producing too much acid and wasn't using it up.  I took Tums (acid neutralizer), and it got better.  Also drink milk, I heard that helped.  

    Take some Tums if your not pregnant, or just try taking them anyway, they really do help and they kinda taste good!  

  2. Take a pregnancy test. And go to the doctor either way.

  3. Could be 2 much acid in your tummy.

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