
Constant need to urinate!?

by Guest34498  |  earlier

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I'm only 18 and when I try to sleep I feel like I have to constantly go to the bathroom. I try to ignore it, but it is just a dull yet constant ache that wont go away, even when I go to the bathroom. My urine isn't cloudy, nor is there blood in it and it doesn't hurt at all, so I don't think it is an infection (but of course I am no doctor so I could be wrong).

It might be my prostate since (and this is a little embarrassing) I sometimes dribble a bit too much after a urinate, but it seems weird since I am so young and I'm exhibiting no other symptoms of an enlarged prostate (I don't have an uneven flow of urine, nor is it particularly hard to urinate)...

During the day, I don't really notice anything, except for maybe when I'm not doing anything, so this could be all in my head, but either way, it is really annoying. Does anyone have any suggestions? I don't particularly want to see a doctor because the examination process for this kind of thing is probably a little awkward (prostate exam... *shudder*), but if it seems like I should of course I will go.

p.s. Also, just tell me if I need to give more information, thanks for the help.




  1. I think you may have diabetes

  2. Been there, done that; saw the urologist.

    My issues were an enlarged prostate and a tumor in my bladder. Both fixed in surgery.

    You asked for suggestions:

    1st thing you do is see a urologist.

    2nd thing is consider your diet and habits; if you smoke , quit. Nicotine will boost your 'urgency' when it comes to having to pee.

    Hot spices like chile peppers and jalapenos contribute to making you pee more often.

    Coffee, tea, Red Bull or any thing with caffeine will aggravate your bladder, give that stuff up.

    Booze will also wreak havoc with your bladder.

    I know that losing the habits make life sound like it will get boring but you need to find a balance in there.

    The night time urgency may come from you drinking anything in the hours before you go to bed. It takes your body 4 hours to process fluid. If you drink something @ 10PM you're up @ 2 AM to get rid of it.

    The doctor may give you meds, may recommend surgery. After the surgery my trips to the can decreased by 15 a day. Don't sweat the awkward prostate exam, it may save your life if you have something serious.

    See the doctor soon!

    Good luck.

  3. UTI? I know you said it may not be a infection but it could be! I now doctors & doing those sorta exams are a bit embarrassing but i'm sure you would rather know whats going on & they may not even need to test that. Make sure your drinking lots of water becausev if you did have a UTI you need lots of fluids to flash it out. But I would be going to the doctor anyways & just checking. and remembe doctors see this stuff all the time so try & not be to embarrssed  

  4. I had similar issues, my urine was crystal clear, and my lower back ached all of the time, especially when in bed, I started to notice a strong chemical odour when I went to the bathroom, eventually I had numbness in my hips so I went to the doctors, who did a simple urine test, ( urine sample in a tube in the bathroom) he tested it there and then and found traces of high protein, white blood cells and a few red blood cells, he said I had a kidney infection and put me on a dose of antibiotics, it cleared up and everything is now fine, never be embarrassed about seeing the doc, its what they are trained to do.

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