
Constant urge to urinate!!!?

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It's doing my head in. For like nearly 6 weeks or so now, I've had the constant urge to go. When i do go, it's not as if it's a tiny trickle though, there's a reasonable amount. But it's all the time. Sometimes i could just sit on the toilet all day and i'd probably just constantly trickle. I took antibiotics but it didn't help - I don't know if it's cos i kept forgetting to take them and took them at the wrong time, and also consumed alcohol a number of times whilst on them :S

My doctor prescribed the drugs but never sent me off for a culture or anything. I'm scared to do this in case they find nothing and it's something more serious.

Note: 19, virgin, no pain when passing urine.

Is it psychological? I havent got a job at the mo and i just sit around dwelling on it...




  1. I go through this everyday.

    You might have what I have, it's called Interstitial Cystitis.

    I would get your doctor to do a culture!

    If there is no infection, you may have this.

    Here is a link:

    Good Luck!

  2. sometimes it may be that your focusing on's like as soon as you can't have something you want it

    also are you drinking enough to make sure your urine is clear..........

    if your on antibiotics try not to drink  

  3. I had exactly the same thing!!  I went to a clinic to get it checked out and they said I had a mild case of cystitis, is that what your antibiotics were for?  The thing is you have to take those antibiotics religiously and not drink at all, even though they're a pain in the ***.  It's best to go back to your doctor so that he/she can do a urine test to see if you still have it.  If you don't, then it's probably still in your head, it could have just turned into a habit.  But get it checked just in case!

  4. Go back to the doctor and have him put you on some different antibiotics.  Take the full course of them (i.e. 10 days).  It is not imperative that you take them at the same time everyday, but as close as possible.

    The main thing is that you take the full course.

    When you have a bowel movement, make sure you wipe from front to back as this should eliminate alot of urinary tract infections.

  5. you need to go to a urologist! Every one gets scared when they have to go to the doctor! Also, get your sugar checked, you could have diabetes. if you had burning, then you would have some sort of urinary infection. any Doctor who prescribes pills with out testing is not good. Please go and get a second opinion and get a reference to a urologist. its probably something very simple, but, in case it is something underlining your problem, like diabetes, you need to find out NOW!!!! Please.

    Another cause of going all the time is a weak bladder. Also, if you drink a lot of caffinated drinks: coffee, tea, soda, chocolate drinks, they all have caffine. Cut back on those. Drink lots of water. Water flushes your system and it will help regulate things.

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