
Constant weird dreams?

by Guest58211  |  earlier

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Ok, so i've been having these wacked out dreams almost every night.

My first one was about something happening at my school, and everyone had to get on these boats to go to Australia... this lady kept urging me and my brother to get on but we couldn't because there was crowds of people EVERYWHERE

my second dream was I was climbin the ifal tower... and i was hooked onto a rope and i missed a step and started falling but landed safely to the ground.

third one was I was walking down the street in my neighborhood, and suddly i look up and all of the stars out of the sky start falling and i look in the distance and i see fire coming up the road and people running away.

This other one was what really got me though, I was walking in my school and i looked over to the lunch line and saw everyone crowding around i tried asking people what was going on but they paid no attention to me then i looked and saw myself lying on the ground, looking dead...?




  1. You are stressed about a big change in your life.  You feel like you are going to be unable to handle whatever is coming up.

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