
Constantly Frustrated ?

by Guest33828  |  earlier

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I have a real issue with my temperament, I get frustrated or irritated so easily…I’ve tried heaps of ways to avoid it but seems to just gets worse, it sometimes also bothers with my sleep cause im nervous or uncomfortable that I have constant thoughts in my head… Im a Sagittarius 20 yrs old.. so yes apparently my sign is the fire one but this is stupid and annoying…..anyone got some soothing ideas to help…and no rude comments otherwise I will report them..




  1. try taking a couple deep breaths, smiling, and forcing yourself to laugh when you feel yourself getting frustrated. Each of these has a physiological connection to easing tension and may help you relax a little bit in the long run.  

  2. Have you tried meditation, Im an Aries also a fire sign and yes very volitile I have work over the years to remain calm and to deal with things peacefully I find I get a long a lot better and a lot smoother.

    You might like to do some research on NLP Neurolinguistic Programming its about making yourself clearer as in its not what youre saying but how you say it..... work at avoiding things that upset you, take a deep breath before answering and consider alternatives before making a comment.

  3. I am the same way. Seriously. You might want to look into see a doctor to get you on soemthing like seraquil which is kind of a relaxant/helps you sleep at night.

    Even antidepressants relieve being frustrated and anxiety.

    If you are against that theory, Then seeing a therapist can actually help. I know thats the genetic answer but it does help shockingly. good luck!

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