
Constantly Having to go pee?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, i've been wanting to go pee constantly, about every 5-10 mintues. It feels like i really need to go, but they i do go, not much pee comes out. Whats wrong?




  1. you could have an enlarged prostate gland, which is pressing against your bladder, see your doctor about this problem, best of luck

  2. There are several things that could be causing your frequent urination urges.  Without more detail to try to figure out what your specific problem is, you really should see a doctor.  If you're a minor, please let your parents know so that they can do whatever you need to resolve this problem.  

  3. When I got diabetes I had to pee and drink a lot of water. If the problem keeps lasting ask your doctor about it. It could be a lot of stuff but another feeling that it might be diabetes is feeling out of energy.

    Good luck

  4. could be a bladder infection. does it burn to pee? is your urine dark? cloudy? foul odor?  

  5. Bladder Infection, Diabetes.....

  6. sounds like u have a bladder infection u should take cranberry pills and drink cranberry juice .u can can find the pill in gnc or vitamin shoppe

  7. It sounds like a case of UTI, which can be solved with home items. Everytime you feel as though you need to urinate, urinate so you can flush out the bacteria. Keep the opening of the p***s clean so as not to allow bacteria to reenter the body. Also, try drinking cranberry juice and lots of water so the bacteria will be flushed from the body. Hope this helps.

  8. could be urinary tract infection or prostate problem. Increase water intake, try taking some cranberry pills and zinc, if it does not improve in a couple of days or gets worse, see a Dr

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