
Constantly feel the need to shower?

by  |  earlier

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i get out of the shower and i still feel dirty. i know you're probably thinking i'm not doing it right but i am. i wish my hair, my face, my body. i brush my teeth before i get in the shower and again when i get out. i shave and use body lotions and everything. and i still feel dirty afterwards.

when i don't feel the need to shower, my hands always feel dirty. i wash my hands like five or six times within an hour. it's getting to be annoying. and this just started. i'm eighteen years old.

what the **** is going on




  1. Sounds like you may be Obsessive-compulsive. If this is interfering with your everyday life, then maybe you should see your physician or psychiatrist. There are medications to treat OCD.

  2. sounds like well germaphobia. I have this to, you ALWAYS feel dirty your hands are dry and chapped from washing them to much exetera exetera... you can get different treatments and such for this just talk to your doctor. You deffinetly have it, but it can be fixed don't panic  just talk to your doctor sometime soon.

    xoxoxxo smile often

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