
Constipated, urgent help please.?

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Have stitches on the upper top of my buttocks, I'm constipated at the moment, if I force it out my stitches will tear. I've taken a stool softener with prune juice about 4 hours ago, hasn't kicked in yet, what should I do?




  1. Well you can eat prunes. Fleet Enemas work fast( you get them at any pharmacy)

  2. eat a lot of raisin bran works for me  

  3. well you could take another softner but I think I would try eating a hot pepper or something with a big shot of hot sauce on it.  Always works for me.  Pickles sometimes get you going too.  More fun than taking a pill!  LOL!

  4. Well eat alot of high fiber food and lots of fruit and veg.

    Don't worry i had it when I was younger so just keep calm and eat healthy.

    Good Luck

  5. this cereal usually works---all bran expra fiber,,,it tastes like carboard but it works  

  6. A few ways proven to work for me and other people:

    1) heat up 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a pan until smoke appears.  Cool down.  Then drink it up with an empty stomach. (it usually works within 2 hrs or less)

    2) drink a dose of metamucil.  That REALLY works wonders without forcing you get the runs.

    3) drink honey mixed with milk.

    4) each a bowl of mashed pumpkin.

    5) or mashed banana.

    After this you take a long walk at a fast pace (or walk up and down the stair case like 20 times).

    Good luck!

  7. stick your hand up your a s s and pull the s h i t out

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