
Constipated baby, tried everything help!?

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ok well for the past week hes going two days without pooping then on the third day he has a very large and painful p**p. I have tried suppositories, prune juice, hot baths, and massaging his tummy and his poops are still coming out very large. I cant stand to see him crying in so much pain. hes going to the doctor on wed. is there anything i can do until then and will the doctor prescribee something to get him regular again?




  1. idk what to say about this, but the only thing i can reccomend is half a laxative, if that dont work, give him the other half..if that dont work, try

  2. Go buy a bottle of Karo dark(that's important) corn syrup. Fill a bottle with hot water and add a dollop about the size of a quarter, shake, and cool to room temperature. Make sure it all mixes in. Let him drink it and it will make him p**p, as well as not harm him the least, in a few hours. Also, lay him on his back and pinwheel his legs, as if he were riding a bike, one and then the other. This will help him move it along. Depending on his age, he's just learning how to digest things. You may need a decreased iron formula. My daughter was the same way, and the Karo works like a charm everytime I notice she hasn't gone in a few days. And water doesn't harm them, as long as he's still getting his normal food/formula intake, don't allow that to replace a bottle. It also tastes good, cause it's basically sugar water, lol, so he'll drink it. Good luck!  

  3. How old is the baby? If the baby is eating give it puree'd prunes plus Karo syrup in the warm milk. If not buy some "karo" light corn syrup and put about 2 tablespoons of it in the baby's warm milk. Warm drinks stimulate the bowels.

  4. Chamomile tea worked wonders for my baby, but I understand that some people just don't like giving herbs to their babies. I'm Mexican (that explains it) and I found it as a good remedy, you might want to try it.  Two oz, warm so it helps.

    Good luck and I hope your baby feels better.

  5. try a infant stool softener. The doctor will probably give you a laxative to give him once a day to get him on a regular schedule.

  6. Have you tried giving an ounce of water? I've done that with my baby since she was 2 weeks old and she usually has a good bm about 2 hours later. It was also recommended by my pediatrician so it's not just something I started doing.

    Just give it a try and see if it works for your baby.

  7. You didn't say how old he is. If he's a newborn baby, I would absolutely wait and see the doctor because I wouldn't advise doing anything from strangers on the internet with advise for a newborn when it comes to medical stuff. But if this is a toddler -- like a kid over a year old or so, my recommendation is to give him some Mineral Oil. It is completely harmless and natural. You can get it at the drug store or probably even the supermarket for a few dollars for a bottle. I would give him a tablespoon or so of it in the morning and then again at night. It will not cause diarrhea or cramps -- it will just soften the stool. it worked really well for my son who was in pain a lot from constipation for the first two and a half years of his life until a doctor finally listened and told me what to do.  The problem did not go away easily but, the mineral oil made a huge difference. He took it daily for close to five years, gradually reducing the amount. He's 12 now and the problem has been gone for years but, it was awful to see him in such pain. Good luck.  

  8. How old is you baby?  Is he breast fed or bottle fed?  What does it normal diet look like if he's onto solid foods?  Need more info!

  9. Well how old is he and what does his diet consist of? It could be something your feeding him if he's on solids.  Is he drinking enough fluids during the day? Is he on formula that has a high Iron count or food that contains added iron?

  10. depending on the age of the baby,

    0-12 months. I would try some brown sugar and warm water in their bottle or sippy cup. Or vegemite and warm water.

    1-2 years. Try to give him a teaspoon of glycerine oil. It coats the stool in the oil and makes it easier to pass.

    Is it possible that he has a fissure??? That will make it more painful.

    Good Luck!!!

  11. apple juice and prunes.

  12. it does not say how old he is but something easy to try is apple sauce and juice babies like it and alot of the times it works. But it sounds like he is having a bad reaction to something he is eating good luck I hope I helped

  13. my nurse told me that breast fed baby dont p**p everyday but it can still be constipation, prune works

  14. add a tablespoon of dark kareo in his formula or give him some sugar water that helped my chidren if he is 4 months give him about 2 teaspoons of prunes.

  15. Depending on the age of the baby.  My daughter had the same problem, but the doctor told me that it is normal for her to not go for a few days and then to have a large bm.  It also depends on if you are formula feeding or breast feeding or baby food.  If you are giving baby food try mixing it with baby oatmeal, that helps make my daughter go.  If you are formula feeding maybe you have too much formula and not enough water.  Usually the first 3 months babies have problems with gas and bm, I know how hard it is for you.  I would sometimes lay my daughter across my legs so she had pressure on her tummy and that helped too.  You just have to keep trying things until something works.  Good Luck (oh ya doctor's don't usually prescribe anything for babies unless it is absolutly NEEDED)

  16. Take him to the doctor asap

  17. There are many things that experienced moms can suggest, but we do need more information about both the baby and the BM.  Chances are, the doctor will first try adding Karo syrup to the bottle in addition to the juice you are already doing.  Next, Dr may talk to you about trying a different formula, if formula fed.  

  18. is it the formula that is doing it? maybe you have to switch formulas. have your tried apple juice or apples and prunes baby food.  

  19. had the same thing with my daughter recently.  I switched to Nestle good start w/ nagtural cultures and the constipation went away.  Also, the doc may suggest trying 1 tsp. of Karo syrup in either his formula bottle or giving a bottle of water with 1 tsp. of Karo.  Don't do more than one bottle of water though as it can be bad for a young baby.  

  20. How old is your child?

    I suggest calling a nurse on-line.

  21. I'm not sure. Poor thing.

    Keep doing what you're doing, and try comforting him.

    I'm sure the doctor will prescibe him a laxative of sorts.

  22. You cant get him to the doc before then?

    Without knowing how old he is you should try warm water, not hot, warm.

    Keep up with the baths and massaging although it's really odd that suppositories aren't helping

  23. I know what you are going thru', my son had the same problem. Try to give him slighly ripe mashed bananas on a regular basis, that is atleast one everyday, and make sure  he drinks lot of water too.I cannot guarantee it will help him right away and relieve his pain, but it should defitely help in the long run. It has helped my son a lot. Pls do not worry, he will defintely be ok.

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