
Constipation. Need help!?

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I have had a trisectomey surgery to remove my apprndix a month ago which was healing fine

until today I have constipation and it hurt the area really bad.

I tried onion soup, prune juice, grapes ntohnig works any other ideas?




  1. Diet can both prevent and cure constipation so eat more foods rich in magnesium as magnesium will increase the production of hydrochloric acid in your tummy and thus aid in digestion..... the more fibre in your diet from fruits, vegies, legumes and whole grains, the softer and the larger the amount of f***s will be passed.

    Magnesium is needed in the human body for helathy nerves and muscle functioning and for heart health. Magnesium rich foods will aide in eliminating constipation problems for you.

    Eat more foods rich in this wonderfull little mineral ie: leafy and green vegies, organic nuts and seeds, wholegrain breads and cereals and cold water fishes such as tuna, salmon, sardines and whiting.

    Magnesium is also known as the antistress mineral and will help you deal with stressy situations better.

    Also, eat more foods rich in Vitamin C as vitamin C is a natural laxative ie: oranges, lemons and limes, leafy and green vegies, tomatoes, potatoes and red and green capsicums. Vitamin C rich foods will also bolster your immune system and help in lowering blood pressure.

    Try to cut back on dehydrating drinks such as those containing caffeine ie: soft drinks and sodas, coffee, tea and also alcohol will dehydrate you...........for each can of soda or soft drink that you have your body can excrete up to 12 cups of water !! Caffeine is marginally better ~ for just one cup of coffee you need to replace it with 2 cups of water because the caffeine tricks our brains into thinking that we have ample water supply and encourages the body to urinate much needed fluid from our body!!

    The use of laxatives will only exaspperate your problem and will do a brilliant job of robbing you of your B complex of vitamins (which are essential for healthy digestive, neural and immune system functioning) and also your vitamin C supplies. Also take a good quality multi B complex supplement as the B group of vitamins is essential for healthy digestive, neural and immune system functioning. As they are a water soluble complex our bodies can neither store or produce them. As such we need to replace them on a daily basis or suffer from the stress related side affect.

    Drink loads of fresh filtered water too ~ at least 2 - 3 litres per day ~ as the happiest and healthiest body will always be the most hydrated one.

    ♥ For a temporary measure only put 1 teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of water, stir it up and drink up ......... be prepared to do a loud burp and you'll find that any tummy ache you had will be resolved within 15 minutes and your constipation will itself resolve within a few hours ♥ The baking soda will realkalise the contents of your tummy and help you move .......... it is only an aid to be used in an emergency though, as along with realkalising the contents of your tummy and giving you relief from the ghastly pain of constipation it will also neutralise allyour digestive juices (eat more foods rich in magnesium in future to encourage the production of digestive juices ~ i guess that's why my mom always used to tell me to eat my greens!!) ....... soooo, use it to relieve the pain now but in future you need to eat a bit better and drink more water mate♥

    hope this helps a bit



  2. Smoke a cigarette and you will be able to go.

  3. It could be that medication that you took is binding up your bowels. Can you walk around a lot. Are you eating a regular diet again? Ask the doctor to prescribe a laxative for you. There' s a new one on the market, it comes in a big blue bottle, you put one scoopful in water and drink it. It works for a friend of mine really well. Look for it in the supermarket. Doctors are prescribing it. You can ask the pharmacist what the name of it is. They will know. You could also use a glycerine suppository, or use an oil e***a, a Fleet e***a to get your bowels open. If you have an impaction, that's when it gets all balled up and plugged up, you'll have to have a Fleet e***a. Get it opened up, you'll feel better. (I had same problem after giving birth, incision and all.)

  4. Try apple juice... it always gets things moving for me.  Good luck!

  5. i fell really bad for you constipation really hurts I've been there mine was really bad that i went to the hospital and they help me alots go there if the pain is so bad but i warn you its pretty embarrassing

  6. Turkey rhubarb capsules - works everytime, take b4 bed - in the AM you will do a big doody.

  7. you need some kind of fiber. Try sprinkling metamucil on your food, or drink a great cup of coffee. coffee is a natural laxative. It keeps me regular everyday. and also make sure your water intake is sufficient enough.

  8. walking and some watermelon.

    Watermelon is great for moving things along and a nice slow walk will make things move along more.

    Or get some mirulax from the drug store, very mild as a matter of fact my husband took that 5 days after surgery and it didn't hurt him at all.

  9. I am not sure how to spell this...en-tim-mans...they are stool can purchase them over the counter at any stick them up your rear....most doctors write out prescriptions for script...thats okay they are sitting on the store shelf with approval.Pear juice often found in the baby isle made by gerber was reccomend for my children. Older people like to eat prunes and drink prune juice, and apple juice could help too. When sitting on the toliet try raising your knees to your chest...may sound silly....but that is how you get a newborn with constipation to go...and it works and these directions were given to me by a nurse....if none of the above help you maybe try going to : or calling your family doctor. good luck to you!

  10. you can buy lactulose or senna from the pharmacist, need to make sure you are having enough fibre in your diet, alpen or all bran, fruits with skin like oranges, apples etc.

    They also sell e-lax chocolate which works.

    If you are constipated you are probably dehydrated without knowing it so increase your fluid intake and keep off the coffee as this dehydrates the system, at least drink a mug of water for every mug of coffee whilst you are constipated.

    Lactulose and senna soften everything but take 24 hours to work properly so take twice a day, a good dose or munch the whole ex-lax as well. good luck

  11. The best remedy I know is konjac fibre. Google it and you may find a supplier in your country. (If you happen to be in the uk it's available from

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