
Constipation in Mexico??

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I was worried about the "water" in Mexico, but I had the opposit problem. I stayed at the Ritz in Cancun, drank drinks with ice & ate their fruits & vegtables. I was constipated after 1st meal, & have not "gone" the entire trip (5 days). I travel enough & have never had this problem before. I was wondering if anyone knows if they put something in the food to ensure no Montizumas Revenge! ** If you do not "KNOW" for sure, please do not respond.




  1. always carry citrucel fiber tablets when u travel anywhere.end of problem!no,i go there every year and one of my friends is a mexican resort chef-she does not add anything to her food but herbs/ in general is constipating,especially if u have had a long plane ride and havent had adequate hydration.time zone changes mess with the bodys natural rhythms as well,and the confusion can lead to sleep difficulties and various digestive problems,the most common being constipation.u are lucky that changes in water/foods dont give u the opposite problem!my husband can drink the water just about anywhere and not get sick,he amazes me!

  2. LOL Of course not! Plus, Moctezuma's revenge is about the spanish people, not any foreigner, anyway it is just a funny legend. That is very very common when people travel, it has happened to me when I travel very far from home.

    I can tell you that I do KNOW for sure that they don't put anything on your food or water, they want you to come back.

    (Travel: People often experience constipation when traveling long distances, which may relate to changes in lifestyle, schedule, diet, and drinking water. )

  3. I suggest coffee, bottled water and a trip to the farmacia. Ask the pharmacist for a mild laxative.

  4. Never heard of that one. Get a Fleet e***a from the local farmacia if you can't wait for a laxative to work. Had the problem myself, very uncomforable.

  5. Maybe you need to eat more jalapiño peppers!!!

  6. No.  That is a problem that could kill just as many people.  Large hotels supply safe water for all aspects of their clients visits.  Most places in Mexico now adays, it is safe to drink the water, although usually don't. Sounds like you just had one of those times.

  7. Maybe you're just having a bad reaction..

    Not from anything the hotel did,

    but just your body

    It happens to everyone..

    I hope you feel better.. You should drink LOTS

    of water.. You could also try taking a laxative ..

    Good luck with that=)

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