
Constipation or Appendix?

by Guest65815  |  earlier

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I've had constipation before but it went away. It has came back and for 2 weeks I have a sore Abdomen and sides Its gotten worse as the week has gone on the doctor said its constipation and I can't take any medictation until sunday because I have to go the footy tommorow and I don't wanna get the runs every 5 mins. I ate half a packet of cashews yesterday, I HAD A MASSIVE EXPLOSION as gross as it sounds lol. And today the pain is excruciating I left school at period 2 today because I couldn't really go on.

Is it constipation or a small chance my appendix are going to burst?




  1. I had my appendix removed when I was 15. The pain was unbelievable. My Grandma told me that she got her appendix out when she was younger as well and they told her to stamp her foot and if she got increasingly terrible pains then it was her appendix. It could just be an old wives tale.

    My uncle who's a doctor said when you have appendicitis you do not feel like eating, you can't eat and food is the last thing you want to think about.

    Did the pain begin around your belly button?

    Which side is worse?

    Have you thrown up?

    When was your last bowel movement?

    If you press around where you get the pain does it hurt a lot more?

    Does it feel worse when you walk, move or cough?

    It's very difficult to spot the differences between constipation and appendicitis. You should speak to your doctor, ring a health hot line, make sure one person is well aware of your symptoms.

    It's not much fun having it removed. I was in hospital for a week and then got an infection and got quite unwell. It took me about 3 months to get to a point where I wasn't in any pain.

    Good luck!


  2. well im 13 and one time i was at school and i couldnt walk at break so i was out there laying out on the grass because my abdomen hurt really bad so they got the golf cart and took me into the nurce office and then i went to the hospital and it was constipation when everyone thought my appendix  bursted so yeah it could be consipation im not sure  

  3. weird question, but my brother used to have a serious medical condition tht required him to have to take some weird pills. idk, it'll go away. (hopefully) just do what you can, take it easy for a while!

    eat some chocolate ice cream and call your bf, lol, makes ya feel better baby, lol

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