
Constipation problem...?

by  |  earlier

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ok i know this is grose but i really need help. i think i may be trying to p**p using the wrong muscles. i really dont know how to push? ive been a little constipated lately and after squeezing, i get a headache and sometimes see spots. am i pushing the wrong way?

how do you push?





  1. You push with lower abdominal muscles.  But you dont have to pushas hard if you up your fiber intake.  Get some fiber one bars or eat things like, celery, raisin bran or Mini Wheats!

  2. When you are constipated no amount of pushing will make you go.  You are getting a headache and seeing spots because you are straining too hard.  You need to drink a lot of water and take a laxative or stool softener.  Some laxatives have a stool softener in them.  Take a break:)  If you keep pushing like that you are going to give yourself hemorrhoids.  Eat something high in fiber.  Fruits and veggies are good also for helping you go.

    Good Luck!

  3. oh, i feel your pain. i'm the same way. no matter how much fiber i take or how much water i drink, there is no improvement!!

    ok, don't push hard, it will actually make it worse. when we push too hard we block the opening. what you need to do is put some thick books or a plastic block under your feet so your knees are high up, then just breath deeply, make sure to relax your muscles and fill your lungs with lots of air then really empty them. things will go much smoother, i promise.

    good luck

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