
Constipation question?

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OK so I'm currently constipated & my doctor prescribed me Kristalose Lactulose:

& Citrucel Fiber Supplements & she also recommend that I take a Fleet e***a. However, both of the latter (Citrucel+ Kristalose) are laxative treatments & I have a feeling that an e***a may be going a bit too far. What are your thoughts? My bowel movements have been improving so far (it's only been 1 day) but I am really feeling reluctant towards the e***a just because I've never done 1 before (I'm 20 yrs old & it's the 1st time I've ever been constipated). Any suggestions?




  1. Firstly, there are several options available to you to reverse your problem.  

    Secondly, I think an e***a should only be pursued as a worst case scenario.  

    Third, before taking the drugs, why don't you try eating fruits and fiber?  You could also lay off the foods that tend to 'bind' people up - bananas, yams, etc (codeine too!)?

    And lastly, don't get an e***a just because you haven't had one before.  If the procedure hasn't already been explained to you (your doctor should have), research it and ask yourself if that is something you really want to 'try'?

  2. thats pretty nasty but.....try eating a lot of fruit that will do it :)

  3. With several bouts of "food poisoning" followed by constipation, I would strongly encourage you to consider being tested for Celiac disease, which is a genetically inherited gluten intolerance that produces symptoms exactly like yours.  It is very under diagnosed, often has a sudden onset, and can really change your life.  

    Regardless of what is causing your constipation, I agree that an e***a is a last resort option, and would use it only if the fiber hasn't worked after about 3 days, or if you are very uncomfortable.  I find that fiber almost always works...but sometimes it takes longer.

    Constipation and the treatments for it should have no impact whatsoever on your menstrual cycle...

    Celiac mom.

  4. Plenty of water, fresh fruits and whole grains. Hemp seed also has lots of fiber, as well as a boatload of beneficial fatty acids.

    Good natural shock treatment: prune juice and lots of fresh figs. Just make sure the bathroom isn't too far away. ;-)

  5. we need 35g of fiber per day. that is hard to achieve so we resort to supplements. i am taking an effective supplement which banished my constipation and even checked my dysmenorrhea.


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    YM -

  6. Even though an e***a is usually used by quacks when they are unnecessary, they might be useful in cases of persistent constipation. However you're already taking Lactulose and you should wait for this to do its job. It's very effective at drawing water into the colon and should have you running to the bathroom in no time.

    Hopefully it's only simple constipation, although your doctor will soon find out.

  7. Drink lots of liquid.

    Try those yogurt that helps you fight IBS

    Eat at least one bowl of Kellogg's All Bran cereal daily.  Eat 2 if you can.

    That should improve the symptom, and ti should move you to have a bowel movement daily.

  8. Enemas really arent that bad. Its much better when you can do it rather than a hot doctor...

    But you could just try the other things for a week or two to see if that works.


  9. No need to fear an e***a.  You just lie on your side, squirt the Fleet e***a into your bottom and wait 20 minutes for it to work.  Try to watch TV or something to take your mind off of what you're waiting for and set a timer before you lie down.  Once you expel the e***a solution and whatever comes out with it, you'll probably feel a lot better!  The fiber supplements work from the other end, so using the Fleet at the bottom end will help complete the process so you'll be able to flow from one end to another.

  10. Go all natural, you will get fast results and other added health benefits:

    1. Take Omega 3-6-9 1200mg. Organic Flaxseed Oil 400 mg, Borage seed oil 400mg, fish oil 400mg Take 2-3 soft gels with each meal. When you are regular, you can cut it to 1-2. I take 2 as it is an excellent  supplement and you will notice other great things while taking it.

    2. Take an all natural soluble fiber. No man-made stuff. Look for a fiber blend like psyllium seed husk, guar gum, apple pectin. 2220 mg with every meal.

    The brands I take are available at CVS and are frequently on sale. The Omega 3-6-9 is made by Nature's Bounty, you can use other brands, just look for the mg and Fish, Flax, Borage. This brand like some does not upset my stomach and the soft gels are soft and easy to swallow.

    The Fiber is by Life Fitness and it's called Fiber Well. It's pricey, but you will not regret and go back for it every time you run out like clockwork. Catch it when it goes on 2 for 1.  It is Excellent stuff. I haven't been able to find another one that meets this quality. Very gentle, does not upset your stomach like most fiber supplements can.  Your system will get used to taking this very easily, just stick with it.

    I swear by this regimen. I actually started it because my hairdresser wanted me to use it for my dry damaged hair.  The healthy colon, was a bonus to my healthy hair, skin, among other things.

    See my source list for links to the supplements I talked about and also to articles about omega oils (EFAs) and natural fiber supplements.

    Sorry it took so long, I was trying to gather all the info for you. I see you have updated. Hope this will help.  Go this natural route, it's good for your heart and so many other things and it's quick and easy to add to your everyday routine. The omega's have actually helped me with my "special time", less of the PMS symptoms.


    Update: FYI, this works w/i the first 24-48 hours.

  11. You poor girl!! My sister's been constipated for several days now... I feel so sorry for her! None of the conventional cures seem to be helping her at all.

    But for me... lots of water and Dannon Activa (yogurt) seems to help.

    I wouldn't want to do the e***a... but maybe that's just me.

  12. There's nothing wrong with doing an e***a - all it's doing is adding hydration to your "plumbing" which is a good thing to keep things "moving". I know if feels strange, but I have had the same problem and doing an e***a helped tremendously.

    Another good product is Super Seed - which is a fiber supplement (drink lots of water with this):

    As women, we tend to get a little backed up, and it is really important to keep our insides clean! Trust me - I've battled it for years and now that I have it under control I feel sooooo much better. :-)

  13. hot and spicy mexican food

    that will give ya the squirts quick!

  14. I would hold off on the e***a if your symptoms are steadily improving. I think your best bet would be to continue with the prescriptions but boost your diet full of whole grains. Insoluble fiber is going to help you the most. Aim for whole grains and as many veggies as you can take. For an easy fix I recommend Fiber One Bars or muffin mix, be careful though - introducing too much fiber into your system at once often causes gas.

    Hope it helps!

  15. If you don't have classes today, go to the local drugstore or supermarket and buy a bottle of prune juice.  Refrigerate it -- for me that makes it more palatable.  

    Pour yourself a tall glass of it.  Stay home.  When you feel the urge, your problem is solved.  But you might feel several more urges so stay home until you've purged yourself of the problem.

    For e***a, if you have privacy spread a bath towel on the floor, lie on your side & insert per instructions.

    If you are lactose intolerant, drink 2 or 3 cups milk.  That should give you the runs (it does that for me).

  16. WalMart sells a good stool softener. Ask the pharmacist. Drink lots of fluids, get lots of  exercise, avoid white bread, cheese, bananas, crackers, and pretzels.  Eat tons of fruit, like peaches and apples and oranges. Don't omit the good fats from your diet.

  17. there are laxative chocolates you can eat, but only eat one or two. there are alot of over the counter meds you can take that will "flush" your system. It will pass, dont worry it wont be the last time
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